Places of worship in London

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Fanshawe and Western are a diverse community with people from all types of different cultural and religious backgrounds coming together. Travelling away from your family and friends is difficult, and homesickness can be all too real. Many times, religion or spiritual faith is a reliable source of comfort that reminds the heart of home. Presented is a guide to places of worship that are local to Fanshawe’s Oxford Street campus and Western’s Main Campus, as well those that have limited alternatives in London. Please note this list is by no means exhaustive to all of London’s places of worship.

Hindu Cultural Centre

62 Charter House Crescent |

Navigator. Londons student lifestyles magazine.

In 1974, Desh Malhotra, a member of the Sikh community and a local contractor, agreed with the Hindu Cultural Centre to build their own religious structure. Malhotra offered to do the project completely free of charge. The Centre is now London’s official space for performing puja (Hindu prayer ritual) and celebrating festivals such as Holi, Ram Nawmi, Janam Ashtmi, Diwali and more.

Duc Quang Buddhist Centre

608 Hamilton Road

This structure is unique compared to anything in the area, or anything in London, because of its traditional design. Various marble statues that represent the followers of Buddha are displayed out front on the Hamilton Road and Rectory Street intersection. Sunday service and prayers are open to the public, but are conducted in Vietnamese.

London Zen Centre

923 Waterloo Street |

The London Zen Centre offers a space for practitioners to meditate, study and work with Zen Buddhist teachers. The centre is open to the public and offers retreats, meditation groups and classes, as well as orientations for newcomers.

The London Sikh Society

37 Clarke Road |

The Gurdwara (place of assembly) is open to everyone, regardless of faith, race or gender. Visit the website for a daily program schedule and information about protocol.

London Muslim Mosque

151 Oxford Street West |

This location happens to be considered the first mosque in Ontario and the second mosque that was built in all of Canada. It is large and has many amenities that can be rented by the public such as a gymnasium, library and a rec hall. The mosque also offers Quranic Arabic Class and a Sisters’ Halaqa (meeting for the study of Islam and the Quran).

Congregation Or Shalom

534 Huron Street |

Or Shalom is the closest synagogue to Fanshawe’s Oxford Street campus. It is affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, and offers an array of programming for youth, sisterhood and adult education. The facilities are fully kosher (following Jewish dietary regulations), with the community often preparing and serving kosher meals during social networking activities.

Other synagogues include the Beth Tefilah Synagogue (1210 Adelaide Street North), the Chabad at Western London Ontario (1114 Richmond Street), and the Eitz Chaim Messianic Fellowship (1470 Glenora Drive). You can also check out the London Jewish Community Centre at

Richards Memorial United Church

360 Edgeworth Avenue |

The congregation of Richards Memorial United Church was formed in 1951. According to its website, it welcomes the ministry and participation of all persons regardless of age, gender identity, health, race, differing abilities, religious or ethnic background or economic circumstance.

St. Peter’s Cathedral Basilica

196 Dufferin Avenue |

This is the only Catholic cathedral in London, and has been around for 125 years of worship. It is located downtown which makes it easily accessible by most bus routes.

St. Mark’s Anglican Church

1320 Wilton Avenue |

The building is a very tall, A-shaped structure located in an area with lush greenery. St. Mark’s offers many community events for visitors.

Trinity Lutheran Church

746 Colborne Street |

Sponsors a student ministry program that provides services and activities right at Fanshawe College in room D2030 on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Visit their website to view the activity schedule.

St. Lawrence Presbyterian Church

910 Huron Street |

St. Lawrence was started in 1946 by WWII veterans. They are now amalgamated with Knollwood Park Presbyterian Church and have been providing service for over 100 years collectively.

Knollwood Baptist Church

800 Cheapside Street |

A place to sing, pray and preach the gospel. Stop by the Welcome Centre for coffee and conversation either before or after Sunday service, and consider joining the young adult ministry or music teams.