The DOs and DO NOTs of our new reality

Just when you think you’ve adjusted to the new reality of a global pandemic, you have to adjust all over again to going to college. It’s challenging to create an entirely new set of habits in a short amount of time, and disorienting when you have to worry about school on top of everything else. Here’s a few reminders – as if you didn’t have enough – of the dos and do-nots of postsecondary life in the time of COVID-19.
DO Bring a mask, or better yet a package of masks, with you wherever you go.
While the majority of fall classes will run online, it is mandatory for those coming to campus to wear a mask at all times inside Fanshawe and Western buildings. This goes for anywhere else indoors in London, so make sure you have at least one mask on hand at all times. Hand sanitizer will be provided throughout campus, but it’s always good to be prepared by keeping your own bottle of sanitizer on your person. Better safe than sorry.
DO Educate yourself on your campus health guidelines
Both Western and Fanshawe students are required to complete a daily screening questionnaire before coming to campus, and follow social distancing regulations while there. If in doubt about where to go or what to do, take your time to observe any helpful signs, arrows, or facilitators who will direct you in and out of the classroom. Western’s guidelines can be found at, and Fanshawe’s info about the fall semester is located at
DO See the bigger picture, and keep two metres apart
The coronavirus is invisible to the naked eye, but very real nonetheless. You may not personally know someone who has been impacted directly by the virus, but it is important to abide by health and safety guidelines for the greater good. The point of following these regulations is to keep the number of case outbreaks to a minimum so that our healthcare system is not overwhelmed. Show you give a damn for your community by staying two metres apart from others and respecting their personal space.
DO NOT Come to school sick
And do not hesitate to get tested, either, if you feel the need. Stay home. Take care. Be safe. That’s all you gotta do.
DO NOT Get distracted
Studying online has its pros and cons. Pro: Attending lectures from the comfort of your own home. Con: Constant distractions from within the comfort of your own home. The online format is not exactly ideal for daydreamers or procrastinators, so make sure to create a daily schedule and do your best to avoid distractions like roommates, social media and the ever-so-dramatic news cycle of 2020. The world is a chaotic place; but your mindset doesn’t have to be when you put yourself and your goals first, and take on one task at a time.
DO NOT Stay emotionally isolated
We’re in this together. There is no “right” way to handle this situation, but withdrawing from your friends and family is probably not the best idea. Aside from giving and receiving support from a personal network, you can also make use of Western or Fanshawe’s health and wellness services. Western students can book a virtual appointment with Western’s mental health team by calling 519-661-3030, and learn more at Fanshawe students can learn more about the College’s personal counselling, groups and workshops and more at, or calling 519-452-4282.