9/11 questions still go unanswered

As the sixth anniversary of 9/11 approaches, a large and growing number of victims' families, firefighters, physics professors, engineers, political experts, economists, students and average people are questioning the governments official account of what took place on that fateful day. As evidence that contradicts or undermines the 9/11 commission report gets more damning and is spread to the masses via documentaries posted on the internet, the questions still left unanswered burn hotter than the jet fuel that supposedly melted solid steel.

The biggest hole in the official story is Building 7. Everyone knows that the twin towers collapsed at free-fall speed, what most people don't know is that a third building also collapsed at the speed of gravity that day. Unlike the twin towers (WTC buildings 1 and 2), World Trade Center Building 7 was not hit by a plane, yet this 47-story steel-framed skyscraper that housed the C.I.A. the I.R.S. the Securities and Exchange Commission, The U.S. Secret Service, the Department of Defense, and the mayors' emergency bunker collapsed into its basement in the exact manner of a controlled demolition at 5:20 p.m. There was no explanation or even mention Building 7's collapse in the 571-page 9/11 Commission Report.

The Twin Towers were designed and built to take massive airliner impacts. It is because of this fact that the official story maintains that it was the burning jet-fuel, not the impact of the plane crash, that caused the twin towers to collapse. However, no uncontrolled fire has ever caused any other steel-framed building to collapse. The total vertical collapse of the twin towers at the speed of gravity could only have been caused by a controlled demolition according to physical law. If NYC mayor Rudolph Giuliani hadn't broken federal crime scene laws by having all the steel from the towers shipped off to China to be melted down before being examined, the evidence of explosives would have been insurmountable.

The Bush administration was busy hiding evidence too. It opposed an independent investigation and resisted the formation of the 9/11 Commission for 441 days. Once they finally gave into the demands of victims' families for an investigation, the Bush administration appointed friendly politicians to head the commission, gave the commission a ridiculously small budget, extremely poor access to government documents, and very little time. The biggest crime committed on U.S. soil, and the government does not want to investigate?

How on earth are many of the so-called “suicide hijackers” still alive and well? Why did the air force stand down? Why did the Pentagon look as if it had been hit with a missile instead of a plane? What insiders had prior knowledge and made millions on the stocks of American and United airlines buying “put options” right before the attacks? What happened to all the gold that was being stored under the twin towers? Why did the Project for a New American Century, a group of right-wing neo-con hawks including many key officials in the Bush administration claim that they needed a “catastrophic and catalyzing event, like a new Pearl Harbour” in order to justify a massive military buildup and the expansion of the American Empire? Why was FEMA already setting up in NYC on Sept 10? Why did Bush lie about not envisioning these types of attacks when there were warnings from at least 11 other countries, and the C.I.A. was actually running a drill with NORAD in which the exact same targets were hit at the exact same time? Why does the FBI not list 9/11 among Osama Bin Laden's crimes on their website due to lack of evidence? Why was no real evidence ever provided to anyone that Osama was indeed responsible other than an obvious fake confession tape that was supposedly found in a basement in Pakistan? How could amateur pilots that could barely pilot two-seater cessna's fly massive jetliners without the help of radar or guidance into a skyscraper?

Great documentaries that present this evidence can be watched for free online, some noteable ones include 9/11 Mysteries, Loose Change Final Cut, Terrorstorm, Zeitgeist and Martial Law. The best website to start researching with is 911truth.org.

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