F.A.T.S. Knows!

Using WebAdvisor to save you time

“I just want to log in.”
Go to https://www.webadvisor.fanshawec.ca. Click on Log In (near the top) and enter your username and password (sent to you by mail in your admissions package). If you don't remember them, follow the prompts on the screen for your username. If you reset your password, it will be sent to the email we have on record for you. (If none of these options work, go to the HelpDesk in E2030.) Once you've logged in, scroll down to Students.

F.A.T.S“I just want to get my timetable.”
Look on the right side, under Academic Profile. Click on Class Schedule. Use the drop down box to select the term.

“I just want to make a payment on my fees.”
Look on the left side, under Financial Information. Click on Make a Payment. You'll need a valid credit card number and expiry date. We'll send your receipt by email.

“I just want to update my address.”
Look on the left side, under User Account. Click on Demographic Update.

“I just want to see my grades from last term.”
Look on the right side, under Academic Profile. Click on View Grades. Use the drop down box to select the term.

“I just want a part-time course from the Continuing Education course guide.”
Look on the right side, under Registration. Click on Search & Register for CE classes. You'll need a valid credit card number and expiry date. Use the search screen to narrow your options. Once you've completed your transaction, you'll get an email acknowledgement and the course will appear on your CE schedule. If you don't get an email acknowledgement, your registration has not gone through — try again!

Important Dates
First day of classes (for most programs): Tuesday, September 4

Last date for most programs to change your registration (apply, change from full-time to part-time, add or drop courses, withdraw and get a fee refund): Monday, September 17

Last date to appeal for Summer 2007, a grade, an academic decision or the paying of your fees: Monday, September 24

Next installment due on the payment plan: Friday, September 28

Office of the Registrar
...We're working for you.

This column is a Student Success Initiative sponsored by Counselling and Student Life Services, Financial Aid and the Office of the Registrar.