Fanshawe launches new program for occupational health and safety technicians

Header image for Interrobang article CREDIT: EMILY STEWART
A new Fanshawe program has been designed to meet the increased need for occupational health and safety technicians created by the pandemic.

Due to the increased need for occupational health and safety technicians caused by the pandemic, Fanshawe is launching a new, redesigned Occupational Health and Safety program.

A Jan. 4 media release from the College said the program is its response to the important role of health and safety professionals in both workplace and community safety.

“The pandemic has underscored the need for occupational health and safety technicians to maintain a safe working environment. This program, aligned with the new CRST certification, is a significant addition to Fanshawe’s School of Public Safety,” said Mark Hunter, associate dean, School of Public Safety.

The Fanshawe College Student Success and Here For You logos are shown. A young person is shown standing. Young adults are shown sitting in a room. Text states: We believe we can break down barriers and build a college where we all belong.

The program aligns with nine competency categories of the Canadian Registered Safety Technician certification and can be used to meet the Board of Canadian Registered Safety Professionals (BCRSP) ‘formal education requirement’ for the Canadian Registered Safety Technician (CRST) certification. Eligible graduates will be prepared to write the CRST examination.

The program curriculum covers CRST competency categories ranging from applied safety fundamentals to auditing and risk management and provides knowledge and skills in areas that are essential in occupational health and safety: communication, workplace dynamics, and workplace diversity.

Graduates will be prepared to work in the public or private sector as occupational health and safety technicians in a variety of employment sectors such as construction, education, healthcare, manufacturing, forestry, military and more.

“This part-time program, taught by experienced occupational health and safety professionals, prepares much-needed technicians for the frontlines of workplace safety,” said Brenda Henry, senior manager, Environment Health, Safety and Emergency Service at Fanshawe College.

The program is an Ontario College Certificate and can be completed completely online on a part-time basis.