The definitive Mac vs. Windows buying guide

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Windows computers have been a cornerstone in offi ces and homes for many years. They're pretty much the go-to choice for anyone's fi rst computer, but they're nowhere near as cool and hip as their big brother Mac. While Apple has this reputation of being boisterous and elitist, people tend to overlook the fact that Windows users display these exact same traits. Today I'm here to try and look past the childish arguments and dispel the stereotypes between the two heavyweights. I'm here to help you decide which computer suits you best and not which computer your friends want you to have.


When looking at the interface, Mac computers blow Windows computers straight out of the water. The Mac OS (operating system) has been designed to run smoothly and effi ciently so that anyone can sit down and immediately start navigating the computer. The user interface has always been a high priority focus for Apple, dating back to the early days when they helped pioneer one of the fi rst graphical user interfaces with the Apple Lisa computer. Navigating a Windows OS can be cumbersome and often times confusing but the Mac OS has always been intuitive and streamlined. A few extra minutes here and there may not seem like a lot but take into account how many hours a day are dedicated to computer interaction and the time savings will stack up exponentially. If getting more out of life by not dicking around with a stubborn computer is important to you, get a Mac.

There's more to a computer than just having an ergonomically interface though. What about security? It is hard to run a computer effi ciently, or at all, if it's getting bogged down with malware, virus software, virus scans and unending updates. The benefi t of using a Mac is that the risk of getting viruses drops drastically, approaching the realm non-existent. It's not so much a matter of Apple's fi rewalls being completely impenetrable; it's the fact that Windows computers hold roughly 90 per cent of the market share in 2016. What right-minded computer hacker is going to spend countless hours crafting a virus that will yield such a small payoff?

While Windows are clearly dominating the market, it also makes them the biggest target for theft, malware and viruses. If privacy and security are important to you, get a Mac.

In a world of instant gratifi cation, being able to open something up and take off at warp speed is critical. When unboxing a Mac, the preinstalled software will allow users to download music, create movies, edit pictures, orchestrate songs and even FaceTime with friends; all from the fi rst minute.

While these tasks can be done on a Windows computer, there's something to be said about booting up a computer for the fi rst time and immediately getting to do what you love. In the long run, Mac computers still hold onto the lead because of their close integration with the App store. This allows users to download virtually any program needed, all from one safe and secure space. If going zero to one hundred real quick is important to you, get a Mac.

Keeping on the topic of compatible software, Mac has a large repertoire of exclusive programs such as Logic Pro X and Final Cut Pro X that have claimed a huge stake in the worlds of music, fi lm and photography. Even though some software programs such as Pro Tools and Premiere Pro are compatible with both Mac and Windows systems, the industry standard and developmental focus in the world of creative arts is Mac. Going into any of these industries with a Windows computer will be challenging, as it will go against the grain of every project and facility you will ever work in. If the arts are of an interest to you, get a Mac.

The last thing that can be said about Mac computers, and arguably the “ace up their sleeve” is a handy little bit of software called Boot Camp. This program allows Mac users to partition (split) their hard drive and allot a portion of memory to run a Windows operating system. Suddenly every Windows exclusive program is accessible to any Mac user in the world. What is the best part of this program? It comes pre-installed on the Mac. If you worry about using exclusive software from both operating systems, get a Mac.


The variety of computer models for Windows blows Mac right out of the water. Apple has three models of laptop and three models of desktop computers. What kind of company can call itself a computer power without offering more than six products? You certainly aren't going to get the kind of customizability that you've come to expect from daily life with so few options. Windows computers come in a wide array of styles, prices and specs to conquer every purpose from casual usage to high quality gaming. On top of that, there's an incredible number of companies making Windows computers, so if you don't like Asus for example, you can always get a Dell or an HP instead. If you care about not having to conform to one of six barely customizable products, get a Windows.

To add further embarrassment to Mac's lack of variety, let's mention the exorbitant price of their computers. For a mere fraction of the cost it's possible to buy a Windows computer with equal or better specs than a Mac, it just won't have the fancy Apple logo on it. With all the money you're saving you could just buy an Apple sticker and slap it on your computer anyways.

Seriously though, when you buy a Mac, you're pretty much just buying into an elitist brand so that you have the prestigious privilege of saying you own one. If you're concerned with getting a computer that's worth exactly how much it costs, get a Windows.

Another aspect of Windows PCs that can't be ignored is their gaming capabilities. Everyone has heard of the PC Master Race, well that race doesn't include Mac computers, hell they're not even a contender. If you want to game in any capacity on the computer it's pretty much a non-contest. Most games don't bother making a port to Mac; they just head straight for Windows computers. This is because it's possible to customize a Windows computer to run a highly demanding video games like Grand Theft Auto 5 or Skyrim. Even when playing computer games on a fully loaded Macbook Pro, the computers are extremely susceptible to overheating and lack the endurance to perform for any duration of time. If you care about being able to play more than fi ve games on your computer, get a Windows.

The fi nal thing to consider when looking into the Mac versus Windows debate is that it's relatively easy to build a Windows computer. If you're willing to do some research, or have a friend in the tech fi eld, it's incredibly cheap to build the computer of your dreams as long as you run a Windows operating system. Want seven fans? You've got it. How about having 64 gigs of RAM? No problem. Want the latest and greatest graphics card? The world is your playground. Being able to build a Windows computer takes its customization capabilities and spits right in the face of Mac computers.


At the end of the day there will always be the debate on performance abilities but these arguments seem worthless when there are so many models of computers out there. It's always possible to get a Mac or a Windows computer that performs up to your standards, you just have to spend the time and shop around.