Header image for Interrobang article CREDIT: ANTONIO_DIAZ / THINKSTOCK
Getting fit takes persistence and motivation, both of which are easy to attain but more difficult to maintain.

So, I hear you want to get in shape and I am here to help:

You need help. More people achieve long-term success after learning from an expert or someone with more experience. Just be careful who you choose.

Have a big goal. Once you have a goal, make a road map or calendar of smaller goals or milestones that are more achievable. Your end goal will never change but may be altered, and the small goals need to be re-assessed regularly as they may change.

Be positive about changes. If you don’t feel good about your workout or if your diet is too complicated, change it or change your attitude.

Support is great, but don’t count on it. You might be the only one in your house or group of friends willing to make changes, so don’t get upset when they’re not willing to join you. You also have to have willpower to resist the temptations that others put on you. You may lose some friends and relationships may become strained at times, but eventually things work out for the best.

Take it one step at a time and don’t beat yourself up for mistakes. Use them to motivate you to do better that day and the next.

Try this:

Set one

Jog or shuffle back and forth for two minutes

50 wide/plié squats

30 wide push-ups (as many as you can from your toes then drop to knees)

40 alternating reverse lunges

20 dips (at home use a low chair or coffee table)

Set two

100 jump jacks

50 standard squats (feet shoulder width apart)

30 push-ups (hands shoulder width apart)

40 alternating front lunges

20 dips with an alternating leg raise as you bend your elbows

Set three

50 knee strike and sidekicks

30 narrow pushups (thumbs together or an inch apart)

40 scissor jump lunges

20 dips with scissor kick

Make sure to warm up gradually, with dynamic movements for about three to five minutes. Rest or perform dynamic stretches for a minute or two minutes maximum between sets. Do a full body stretch at the end, holding each stretch for 20 to 30 seconds.