Movie takes viewers online

After winning “Best Feature” at the 2008 Artivist Film Festival in Hollywood, California, Zeitgeist Addendum has been released freely to the public via the Internet.

Following the distribution model that turned the original Zeitgeist movie into an Internet phenomenon watched by millions around the globe, the highly anticipated sequel stays true to form and picks up where the original left off.

The timing couldn't be better. With the global economy on the verge of collapse, Zeitgeist Addendum begins by exposing the monetary system as a complete fraud and offers scathing, yet completely factual, critiques of global capitalism, credit, debt and military interventionism.

The films creator, Peter Joseph, manages to string together a wide range of issues like no other film prior to it, including the original Zeitgeist movie.

Joseph doesn't pull punches as he presents one shocking fact after the next in the simplest of terms so that everyone will be able to understand the truths that often get hidden in academic and professional terminology.

The original Zeitgeist movie focused on dispelling humanity's illusions about organized religion, September 11, international bankers and the present state of human society and consciousness. However, it did not provide concrete ideas for cultural and societal transformation beyond urging people to share the film to generate awareness. People did share the film by the millions and helped Zeitgeist break the record for the most downloaded film in Internet history.

Zeitgeist Addendum goes farther than creating awareness of the problems that plague humanity, which it claims stem from a ‘crisis in consciousness.'

In part three of this sequel, one possible alternative society is presented titled ‘the Venus project', which is based around the concept of a resource-based economy rather than a monetary-based one.

Whether you disagree with their proposed solution or not, this film will open your eyes, if not shake you to the core. It has been compared to ‘Neo taking the red pill.'

The Fanshawe Social Justice Club has organized the first public screening of this film in London at Fanshawe College. It will play at 6:30 pm on November 25 in room D1052 and is open to everyone and it's free.