Enjoying the seaside view

Well, she's at it again. You'd think that already having a sex tape surface in 2003 that one would be a little more careful with their most personal of possessions. The video hit the internet earlier this week and is already the most downloaded video on YouTube and on almost every computer in Fanshawe's computer labs...well, at least most of the computers without Facebook running. The couple have been in the tabloids for weeks since meeting on the set of Saturday Night Live when Paris Hilton was the host. The couple was in Panama City Beach in Florida celebrating reading week. Word got out quickly that the celebrity was vacationing in the area, so the two were forced to spend a majority of their time locked in their hotel room…days upon return the footage made its way to the Internet. The heiress was unavailable for comment at press time, but the man in the background was more than happy to talk about the latest Hilton film. “I'm glad it leaked out. Nobody would have believed me otherwise” stated Fanshawe's Breckon Prest, “I just wish that the tape was a little more than three minutes long”.

Disclaimer: Stories printed in the Fanshawe Distorter are in fact fictious. Any resemblance to persons real or dead is intentional and entirely hilarious. Proudly distorting the truth since 2005.