Innovation Village looks to grand opening

Exterior photo of the new Innovation Village building at Fanshawe College. CREDIT: GRACIA ESPINOSA
Innovation Village will open its doors to the Fanshawe community on Jan. 26.

Construction on Innovation Village has concluded after more than four years. It will open its doors to all students and staff on Jan. 26. Fanshawe employees got a sneak peek of the space on Dec. 14, 2023.

“It’s lovely to share this unique space with everyone at Fanshawe College,” said Fanshawe President Peter Devlin. “It’s been many years. And to be able to have it open, vibrant, alive, and filled with the energy and enthusiasm of people is what makes it very special.”

The $30-million-dollar space is 95,000 square feet, located at Fanshawe’s Oxford St. Campus. Innovation Village aims to take learning to the next level by equipping it with the latest technological resources, such as a visualization lab with virtual reality and the Research and Innovation labs focused on food and reducing environmental impact.

Navigator. Londons student lifestyles magazine.

Leap Junction, Fanshawe College’s entrepreneurship centre will also have a new and larger home in Innovation Village. The newly expanded Leap Junction will offer various services, including oneon- one consultations, collaborative workspaces, events, workshops, funding, and incubator programs.

“I think the welcome desk and open hallways, the staircase, and the great welcome to the Innovation Village have excited people,” said Kasey McDonald, Transition and Indigenous Learning Advisor, who was part of the tour group on Dec. 14. She added that she’s looking forward to using Innovation Village as a staff member with the Institute of Indigenous Learning.

The Indigenous community inspired many design aspects of Innovation Village, including the symbols in the stained-glass windows, the furniture colours, and the building’s interior designs. The Kalihwíyo Circle (Oneida for “good message”), for example, will be a gathering place next to the Library Learning Commons.

“It’s lovely to see and show that Indigenous people are in Fanshawe College and represent Indigenous culture,” McDonald said.

Brad Kerr, one of the guides in the sneak peek of Innovation Village, explained that the new library will house 3,000 books while the rest will be available in a digital format.

“The Library Learning Commons redefines the traditional library with a newly deconstructed space where students receive comprehensive support in their academic work and in bringing their creative ideas to life,” Kerr said.

Another aspect of the space is the Agora (Greek for “gathering place”) at the entrance to Innovation Village, which has 116 retractable seats for events, exhibitions, presentations, or an everyday lounge format. The space will be named Canada Life Village Square in recognition of the $250,000 donation from Great-West Life Assurance in 2020.

Innovation Village will house various meeting spaces, including a flexible student study space and the project meeting room, which will also be for students.

Since its conception, Innovation Village has involved students in its design. Specifically, students in the Landscape Design program at Fanshawe have created designs for the exterior courtyards on both sides of the Innovation Village.

“I hope that people feel a sense of welcome, a sense of beauty and that they’re inspired to be innovative, to be inspired, to be creative,” Devlin said.