Fuel Apex Legends team battles for first place
EvilCanadian (left), RustyG (middle) and PotatoMalone (right) battle in Apex Legends action and have a strong feeling they will make it into the playoffs.
The Fuel Apex Legends team has been competing in the Octane Collegiate league. It is an open league and Fuel has been facing the best collegiate Apex teams. Apex Legends is a battle royale style game, where the last team standing wins in the first-person shooter style game. The main roster for Fuel includes RustyG, EvilCanadian and PotatoMalone.
Russell “RustyG” Gubesch, who is taking civil engineering technology at Fanshawe said that the squad has started off well and was able to get eighth place in their first days of matches. They recently battled and were able to grab second place in the matches on Oct. 28.
“Our team does a great job of working through any problems we come across in game and deciding on how to overcome them to allow us to improve as a team,” Gubesch said.
Gubesch has been playing Apex for four years. He mentioned that what inspires him to keep playing is the drive to become one the best players within Apex Legends. He also said that the game is unique and different from other battle royale games.
“Competitive Apex is one of the most exhilarating games to play out of any title and the euphoric feeling of winning is what always keeps me coming back to play,” he said.
Gubesch strongly believes that their team will make it into the playoffs. They are currently two spots away from a playoff spot. He said that four weeks of matches still remain. He has full confidence that they will continue to have stronger performances going forward.
“The two strongest teams in our group are [The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA)] and Butler Broncos Esports,” Gubesch said. “Both teams are mechanically talented and competing against them is always a tough battle.”
The team is also playing in another league called American Video Game League (AVGL) and more information is soon to come as matches start to ramp up.
In other Esports action, the Fuel League of Legends team has been on a tough start for matches. Connor “Conrad” Grayley mentioned that they have zero wins and two losses in the National Esports Collegiate Conference (NECC) champions division.
“We believe we are a lot stronger than our records show,” Grayley said. “We are hoping to finally put some wins on the board.”
Grayley mentioned that he still has high hopes that they will make the playoffs and hopefully still make a good run. Grayley has been playing League of legends for nine years. He played in amateur which is what kept him interested in playing competitively but retired about a year ago.
More Fuel Esports teams have been battling matches out the past few weeks. There have been some big wins and some unfortunate losses but more information is soon to come on the Fanshawe Fuel Esport teams. Make sure to check out the Fuel Discord and socials to keep up with the latest announcements.
EvilCanadian (left), RustyG (middle) and PotatoMalone (right) battle in Apex Legends action and have a strong feeling they will make it into the playoffs.
The Fuel Apex Legends team has been competing in the Octane Collegiate league. It is an open league and Fuel has been facing the best collegiate Apex teams. Apex Legends is a battle royale style game, where the last team standing wins in the first-person shooter style game. The main roster for Fuel includes RustyG, EvilCanadian and PotatoMalone.
Russell “RustyG” Gubesch, who is taking civil engineering technology at Fanshawe said that the squad has started off well and was able to get eighth place in their first days of matches. They recently battled and were able to grab second place in the matches on Oct. 28.
“Our team does a great job of working through any problems we come across in game and deciding on how to overcome them to allow us to improve as a team,” Gubesch said.
Gubesch has been playing Apex for four years. He mentioned that what inspires him to keep playing is the drive to become one the best players within Apex Legends. He also said that the game is unique and different from other battle royale games.
“Competitive Apex is one of the most exhilarating games to play out of any title and the euphoric feeling of winning is what always keeps me coming back to play,” he said.
Gubesch strongly believes that their team will make it into the playoffs. They are currently two spots away from a playoff spot. He said that four weeks of matches still remain. He has full confidence that they will continue to have stronger performances going forward.
“The two strongest teams in our group are [The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA)] and Butler Broncos Esports,” Gubesch said. “Both teams are mechanically talented and competing against them is always a tough battle.”
The team is also playing in another league called American Video Game League (AVGL) and more information is soon to come as matches start to ramp up.
In other Esports action, the Fuel League of Legends team has been on a tough start for matches. Connor “Conrad” Grayley mentioned that they have zero wins and two losses in the National Esports Collegiate Conference (NECC) champions division.
“We believe we are a lot stronger than our records show,” Grayley said. “We are hoping to finally put some wins on the board.”
Grayley mentioned that he still has high hopes that they will make the playoffs and hopefully still make a good run. Grayley has been playing League of legends for nine years. He played in amateur which is what kept him interested in playing competitively but retired about a year ago.
More Fuel Esports teams have been battling matches out the past few weeks. There have been some big wins and some unfortunate losses but more information is soon to come on the Fanshawe Fuel Esport teams. Make sure to check out the Fuel Discord and socials to keep up with the latest announcements.