Fanshawe’s Open House returns

Gathering of people at a Fanshawe College open house event. CREDIT: FANSHAWE COLLEGE
Current and prospective students can look forward to an in-person Open House, for the first time since 2019.

Fanshawe College is holding its first in-person Open House since 2019! Now that students are back in the halls, it’s time to welcome future students as well. The Open House will take place Oct. 29 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. For current students, there are many volunteer opportunities at all campuses.

“We’re really thrilled to be welcoming people in-person,” said Anne Hamilton, acting manager of domestic student recruitment at Fanshawe. “For current students, it’s a lot of fun to take part in the event. We’d love to have as many students as possible to be part of the day and sharing their experience with future Falcons.”

Students can volunteer or attend the open houses in London, Simcoe, St. Thomas, Woodstock, and Clinton, and this includes locations at the airport, transportation centre, and downtown London campuses.

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“As a college, we’re such a big part of all of our local communities. People are really excited to be able to engage with our facilities, our faculty, and our students in person. It’s hard to replicate that excitement and energy that takes place in the hallways of open house in the virtual world.”

The expectation for the Open House is big this year, with many trying to make up for lost time.

“We’re already seeing some of the events that our recruiters are attending off-campus have higher numbers because, for the last couple of years, there’s a whole cohort of students who haven’t been able to engage with colleges in person.”

For those who are unable to attend Open House, the student recruitment team is offering virtual presentations throughout the fall.

“Open House is also a great opportunity for current students who are maybe taking a preparatory program or are considering postgraduate programs to explore another area of the college.”

To volunteer, students can sign up at For more information on the Open House, that can be found at