Academics and industry together in a new model created by Fanshawe Global and a Chilean university

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A new business model based on joining academics, business, and industry leaders was implemented in Universidade de Los Lagos (ULAGOS) in Chile after an exchange of knowledge and consultancy services from Fanshawe Global

Fanshawe Global is looking back on the success of a recent collaboration with a Chilean university.

A new business model based on joining academics, business, and industry leaders was implemented in Universidade de Los Lagos (ULAGOS) in Chile after an exchange of knowledge and consultancy services from Fanshawe Global, a subsidiary of Fanshawe College.

Among the outcomes from the project, that started on Jan. 21, 2021, there has been development of a link between education and technical careers that permit improvement training. It can happen through internships, collaborative work for innovation, and technology transfer.

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The end of the project will happen this year with the implementation of a forum titled Successfully leading in the education sector: strategic management competencies, service culture, and key relationship management.

“The work our team does contributes to Strategic Goal Number Four of the college, which is to build complimentary sources of alternative revenue,” said Candace Miller, director of strategic initiatives and business development at Fanshawe College. “Our team worked with the faculty and leadership team at the institution as opposed to the students. However, we did share best practices from Fanshawe around our cooperative education program and services.”

Conducted online, the program has impacted 50 key educational leaders and faculty in ULAGOS.

“This project has left us with a comprehensive plan that contains all the necessary elements to ensure the development of technical careers in permanent coexistence with the productive sectors,” said Danilo Curumilla, director of the Technical Institute of ULAGOS in a media release.

According to Miller, the initiative included a panel of co-op students sharing their experiences and co-op placements with ULAGOS.

“The students gained a global outlook from this experience which is directly connected with Fanshawe’s mission,” said Miller.

During the program ceremony launch last year, Curumilla emphasized the importance of employability.

“The main factor to consider in the offer of technical careers at our university and from that point of view, a practical training process linked to the regional reality is essential to ensure a rapid and adequate labour insertion of our future technicians and professionals,” said Curumilla.

Fanshawe Global

Using its expertise, Fanshawe Global is a subsidiary of Fanshawe College that provides corporate solutions and customized training to converge the goals and needs of education and business.

The partnership between Fanshawe Global and other institutions, focusing on Latin America and the Caribbean, embraces different sectors besides education, such as healthcare, agriculture, and aviation.

On Jan. 28, Fanshawe Global, in partnership with NorQuest College in Alberta and Northern Lights College in British Columbia was awarded an international project called Young Africa Works in Kenya.

Among the services, there are online courses available in English and Spanish language, and free webinars. In addition, Fanshawe Global offers Micro-Certification (MC), considered one of the newest in digital transformation and education, in which one demonstrates proficiency in a particular skill in a condensed program.

The MC model includes recognition of completion via a digital badge and electronic certificate, 100 hours of training (per MC), and self-directed online learning.

Nowadays, the subsidiary is working on projects in Peru, Colombia, and Kenya, aside from Chile. In Mexico, for example, Fanshawe Global is working with different companies to offer communities where female students can access mentorship, employment services, and other academic supports. This project will conclude this year.