Online Indigenous advocates you should be following

Header image for Interrobang article CREDIT: LONDON.ONTARIO.ACTIVISM/INSTAGRAM
An infographic shared by london.ontario.activism.

London and Surrounding area has a lot of Indigenous people living throughout the community. When it comes to the voices of the Indigenous communities all over Ontario (but specifically in London) there has been no shying away from the fight for what is right in the community.

When it comes to the Indigenous community here in London, there are a number of advocates who have expressed their voices to advocate for Indigenous matters. Here are a few of my favourite advocates for when it comes to the voices of the Indigenous Community.

london.ontario.activism is an account on Instagram that uses their platform to raise awareness for social justice issues and events. This account has been using its platform to discuss important matters and create change in society by advocating what is right. london.ontario.activism also uses their platform to amplify the voices of any social issues in the community.

Navigator. Londons student lifestyles magazine.

Another important advocate in our community is yotuni.youth. Yotuni is a youth organization that focuses on the Indigenous community, truth,  innovative education and amplifies the voices of the BIPOC community and ally youth. They use their voices to educate and bring awareness to the issues the indigenous community faces.

Having these voices really helps amplify the needs of the Indigenous community. For years the voices of the indigenous community have been silenced and having voices like these make the fight for change more powerful.

Another voice of advocacy for Indigenous voices has been theindigenousfoundation (The Indigenous Foundation). The Indigenous Foundation is a grassroots youth-led organization. The team consists of Indigenous and POC women as well as two-spirited and non-binary folks striving to create change and advocate for Indigenous rights on a global scale.

Meanwhile, on Twitter, local advocates like Sara-Mai Chitty (@waasizoanangkwe) and Frances Elizabeth Moore (@OnaagoshinAnang) are frequently sharing information and opinions on various Indigenous topics.

Having local voices to help lead the change in our community is amazing and there are actually quite a few individuals who have made their voices heard. An outsider’s voice for change is Autumn Peltier, who is an advocate for the universal right of clean water. Many Indigenous communities across Canada do not have access to clean drinking water.

Autumn Peltier is the Chief Water Commissioner for the Anishianabek Nation. She brought attention to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and talked about the water situation. She uses her platform to help fight and create change.

Having voices like london.ontario.activism and yotuni.youth helps provide the community with information that sometimes is not taught in schools or that many people even know about. When it comes to the voices of the Indigenous community, these are the voices that will fight for change.

If you or anyone you know is a residential school survivor, is in distress or have been affected by the residential school system and need help, you can contact the 24 hour Residential School Crisis Line at 1-866-925-4419 or the Indian Residential school Survivors toll free line at 1-800-721-0066.