Angela McInnes - Everything happens for a reason

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In 2015, I began to write horror movie reviews for Interrobang while studying public relations at Fanshawe College. I wasn’t interested in journalism at all back then; my passion was cinema studies and I jumped at the opportunity to publish my “hot takes” on cult classics in the student paper. It was all just for fun.

My plan at the time was to graduate into a career in communications. However, we all know that the greatest lie we tell ourselves is that life will go a certain way.

Thanks to the encouragement of Jessica Thompson, Interrobang’s editor at the time, I learned that journalism can be a powerful tool giving a voice to the voiceless. I went with the flow of what felt right and changed my life plan accordingly.

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In 2018 going into 2019, I graduated from journalism school at Western University and returned to Interrobang as staff reporter. I look back fondly at what I now know would be my final year of normal, carefree life — working for the Fanshawe Student Union, taking guitar lessons and enjoying nights out with my roommate.

In 2020, I found myself leading a team of resilient Fanshawe students while we adjusted to the new normal of the coronavirus pandemic. I was terrified of all the unknowns. But I wouldn’t trade the experience for anything in the world.

The 2020/2021 Interrobang staff poured their hearts into this small but mighty publication. Skylar McCarthy and Hannah Theodore served as trusty Fanshawe news reporters. Ilhan Aden courageously helmed our podcast. Ian Indiano brilliantly illustrated world events for his column Off the Radar. Salma Hussein provided invaluable perspective as a nursing student. Cheyenne Dockstader created beautiful illustrations and sharply witty comics, while Lance Dagenais knocked it out of the park with his cover designs week after week.

This year, I’ve been afforded the chance to learn firsthand that there are amazing people in this world — many of them young and determined to make it a better place by speaking their truths and holding power to account.

There have been moments of despair over the past 12 months. But thanks to this team, those moments have always been outweighed by pride and joy at the result of our collective efforts. For the rest of my life, I’ll treasure the work we accomplished during this period, despite all the obstacles placed in our paths.

Thank you, Interrobang team, for everything you’ve done and will continue to do. Trust yourselves, do what feels right, and everything will work out better than you ever imagined.