Cheyenne Dockstader - Taking the opportunity to challenge myself

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Working for Interrobang has been fun. This year was hard, I haven’t been motivated to do much of anything, but being able to see my work in the newspapers all across Fanshawe, and even at Western University, has been an uplifting experience for me.

I constantly struggle with feeling that my art isn’t good enough. The team has been very reassuring and has made me want to work harder. I am glad I was able to get work during quarantine as it gave me something to focus on that wasn’t school related.

Also Interrobang has given me the opportunity to explore writing. I worked very hard on my article and even got to interview two amazing female artists which is something I didn’t think I would be able to do. So even though it’s been a difficult year of adjusting to online school and work Interrobang has been a very good experience for me.

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I am grateful for the work and I truly appreciate how the team has helped me with having confidence in my own work and for all the reassuring messages. Thank you and I wish you all the best!