Mental Health services on and around campus

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Post-secondary schooling can be a difficult time for everyone, with assignments and classes that can pile up, causing stress or anxiety. On top of everything else, we’re all trying to carry on as normal while the world undergoes drastic changes. However, Fanshawe, Western and the London area thankfully have a number of resources and people that understand what students go through and are able to help them cope. Below is a list of some of the places you can reach out to for mental health resources and counselling.


Mental Health Support

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Western University is operating under a full-time virtual model as it continues to provide mental health support to its students throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Services include workshops, individual counselling, crisis counselling and academic relief. There are also services geared specifically toward international students and LGBTTI112SA+ students. You can learn more and book an appointment at, or by calling 519-661-3030. Hours are Monday to Thursday 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., and Fridays 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.


Fanshawe offers counselling services which can be found on the main campus at Room F2010. According to the Fanshawe College website, “counsellors provide a confidential atmosphere where you can explore any topic or situation and discuss any concerns you may have.” There are specialists available to help in whatever area one may need including stress management, career guidance, substance abuse, dealing with loss, depression, anxiety, eating disorders, anger management, assault, school failure, suicide risk and relationship difficulties. They also offer traumatic event response. Hours of operation are Monday to Wednesday, from 8:30 a.m. to 7 p.m., Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

You can learn more at or call 519-453-2826 to book an appointment. You can also go to for a full list on resources compiled by the Fanshawe Student Union (FSU).

Accessibility Services

According to the Fanshawe College website, counselling, academic accommodations and other “accessibility services are available for students with any type of accessibility need including ‘non-visible’ disabilities such as learning disabilities, medical conditions and mental illness.” Contact information and location are the same as Counselling Services.


London Health Sciences Centre (LHSC)

LHSC houses a mental health care program that offers services for eating disorders, adult inpatient mental health, centralized emergency psychiatry, consultation-liaison, coordinated intake for ambulatory mental health, general adult ambulatory mental health, prevention & early intervention in psychosis, traumatic stress and urgent consultation, among others. According to the LHSC website they “offer a wide range of programs which reflect the diversity of our clients…our main focus is excellence in patient care.” They also offer a 24-hour crisis hotline at 519-433-2023. More information can be found at

Quick Access Mental Health Walk-In Clinic

This clinic is run by the Family Service Thames Valley (FSTV) organization and is open every Tuesday from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. According to the FSTV website, services are “available for individuals, couples, and families looking for same-day single session therapy and counselling support.” Sessions are provided on a first-come, first-served basis so no appointment is necessary. Cost of sessions is based on income, making it an affordable option for everyone. More information can be found at or by phoning 519-433-0183.

Reach Out

According to, “Reach Out is a confidential 24/7 information, support and crisis service for people living with mental health or addictions concerns in Elgin, Oxford, Middlesex and London.” They offer services that include a mobile crisis intervention team; emotional trauma, distress or relapse services; depression, self-harm or suicidal counselling; access to community supports and addictions treatment; counselling for substance use, gaming, internet disorder and problem gambling, as well as other general information about mental health and addictions. Their online, confidential web chat can be found at or you can call 519-433-2023.


According to the Good2Talk website, “Good2Talk is a free, confidential helpline providing professional counselling and information and referrals for mental health, addictions and wellbeing to post-secondary students in Ontario, 24/7/365.” Its primary focus is on ages 17 to 25 and they can be reached at 1-866-956-5454.