FSU 2020 Election candidates

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FSU President

Thakur, Katyayini

Katyayini Thakur

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Hey there!

My name is Katyayini Thakur and I’m currently enrolled in Level 2 of Health Systems Management program here at Fanshawe. College In the upcoming FSU elections, I’m running for President. I’m passionate about serving people and like to stay actively involved in the community. I believe I could make a difference!

A little bit about myself- Born and brought up in New Delhi, India but natively from Himachal, I’m a physician by profession. I went to medical school in China, where I was elected as the Cultural President, AHMU (2010-2011). Caring about people is a part of who I am. This is what led me to run for director in the FSU bi-elections last year and thanks to your love and unstinting support, I’m currently serving in that position.

Being a director has helped me gain invaluable insight and perspective on what the FSU can do for the students. You’d be pleasantly surprised. My primary agenda would be to make you aware of how the Union can advocate on your behalf, by increasing accessibility and bridging the communication gap between the FSU and the students. Other areas where I would like to bring about a change would be to introduce healthier food options on campus, generate more job/volunteering opportunities inside and outside campus, and to decrease wait times to see a doctor at the campus clinic.

You came out and supported me in great numbers the last time and given the chance to re-serve you, this time as President, I would dedicate my heart and soul into providing each and every one of you with a fun and meaningful student experience here at Fanshawe.

Hope to get your support.

I care,

Dr. Katyayini Thakur

FSU Director

Akter, Naznin

Naznin Akter

“Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality” -Warren Bennis.

Hi! Hope you are doing well. I am Naznin Akter running for FSU Election 2020 as a director. I am pursuing PG certificate in Construction Project Management currently in Level 2.

As the above quote says, a leader is one who will make the vision become reality. As a leader I choose to work together and make a lot of difference.  My vision is to work for the betterment of the falcon family. The current FSU leaders are doing great and as you all are waiting to welcome the new faces to the team, I would like to take this opportunity to express myself as a responsible and committed candidate and ensure everybody is heard. Some of the changes, rather improvements that I would like to bring to the campus are to increase eatery options, café or maybe all together more restaurants. Summer is around the corner, why not have some fun out in the sun? Organize ample number of events such as camping, trails to make the season memorable. I believe in multiculturism and would arrange events to promote interactions amongst students and work alongside Student Wellness Services to create better access to counselling services. The possibilities are many. I will ensure that your voice is heard so that we all win from within. Serving for Falcons. Soar High because sky is not the limit.

So falcons! Its your vote. Take control.

Ayerst, Cole

Cole Ayerst


My name is Cole Ayerst, and my friends like to joke that I am the most active student at Fanshawe College; over the last couple years I have become quite involved in campus life. I, help, listen to and get involved with students through a number of ways including being the Chair of the Board of Directors for the Fanshawe Student Union, peer tutoring, volunteering at the campus food bank (The Sharing Shop) and being a student ambassador for Reputation and Brand Management of Fanshawe College.

but if I had to describe myself, I would say I am a student working on getting my degree in digital marketing. Community is very important to me and I believe in leaving it better than you found it, because of this I take great joy and responsibility in helping my fellow students. I do this through being the Chair of the Board the Student Union, peer tutoring and volunteering at the campus food bank.

Bishoyi, Bhagyalaxmi

Bhagyalaxmi Bishoyi

Hello Falcons ! 

I am Bhagyalaxmi Bishoyi currently in level 2 Office administration executive course. And am running for the position of director fsu 2020.

I am honored to express my long term wish - " I want to win for our student union". If I become the director I promise to work with full enthusiasm for the union. I would work forward to improve all the different aspects of the student union. My first priority would be you all. I would be someone who will listen to each one of you and will be your voice. For me YOU matter and YOUR OPINION matters. 

So, choose wisely and vote for someone who cares about you. VOTE FOR CHANGE..!! 

Thank you 

Hoping for your support.

Happy voting..!

Chakkupurackal, Allan Saji

Allan Saji Chakkupurackal

Hey falcons,

I am Allan Saji Chakkupurackal, currently pursuing Computer Systems Technician.  I am running for the Director’s position in the Fanshawe Students Union Election.

My aim is to lend a helping hand to the needy ones, tackle through their problems and to resolve it. My leadership experience back in India as the head boy heading numerous cultural and other activities of my school would surely help me to serve well for this position. I love to take up responsibilities and to work for the student’s union.

Students in their busy life requires some time for entertainment and other co-curricular activities. There are lots of students who face hard to find jobs on both full time as well as part time. I ensure my fellow being that if I get an opportunity to be posted as a director, I will surely bring a change to the present situation and try to increase the on-campus hiring’s.

I consider this as a great opportunity to represent and help my dear friends. So, I request each and everyone of you to give me a chance of proving me the best and to implement my aims.

 “Allan for Reform, Allan for Change”.

Kaivalya Dahale (KD)

Kaivalya Dahale (KD)

“Leadership is not about being in charge. Leadership is about taking care of those in your charge.”

Hello Fanshawe,

I am Kaivalya Dahale (KD), Mechanical engineering graduate currently pursuing my second semester in Practical Elements of Mechanical Engineering. I am running for the position of Director in the upcoming elections.

Being involved in the volunteering activities has given me opportunity to understand my passion for helping people. Impacting people has become my goal through which I feel contended. My agenda is to create as many opportunities as possible for student engagements and success.

My vision includes:
  • Remove breaks from the schedule so that student leverage their time efficiently.
  • Provide scholarships to as many students as possible.
  • Organize events with a focus on integrating different cultures.
  • Permitting food coupons to be used in food spaces in the college.
If my goals touch your concern please contribute your support, because you deserve more.
Stacyann Stanley

Stacyann Stanley

Hello my Fellow Falcons!

My name is Stacyann Stanley, nominee for the position of FSU Director 2020/2021.I am from the beautiful sunshine paradise of Jamaica and currently a first-year student enrolled in the Business Diploma, Logistics and Supply Chain Management. I am a registered Pharmacist by profession and having worked in a fast-paced, customer driven environment has allowed me to hone my multitasking, prioritizing, problem-solving and communications skills. I have also learnt to work effectively under pressure, and I live by the mantra, “Only your best is good enough”.

I believe it is vital to empower the student body with a voice that will stand up for their rights and I hope to form part of a visible and approachable representative body. My platform stands upon three pillars: Informed Progressive Discourse, Genuine Representation and Integrity; as well as one overarching goal, Respectful Transparency. Above all, I would like the opportunity to get to know what students really want from college and how to go about making it happen. I will serve the student community always to the best of my ability should I be elected.

Also running for the position of FSU Director

Castano, LisaLisa Castano
Muraleedharan, Lakshmy TrikkurLakshmy Trikkur Muraleedharan
Yadav, PrernaPrerna Yadav
Zakir, ZayaanZayaan Zakir
  • Jaylan (Tyler) Harvie
  • Malik McNish
  • Vishal Parmar
  • Vijay Rama Raju Kunaparaju
  • Prateek Sahni