Interview tips and tricks

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Applying for jobs can be a difficult task, but landing an interview means proving yourself in person to the employer – no pressure. First, use these mantras to get into the proper head space and shake off some of that pre-interview anxiety:

The employer wants to hire you. This is a simple concept, but is very true. You would not be in the position to be interviewed if the employer did not see something in you via your resume and in person interactions. So, take a little bit of that weight off of your shoulders: you are wanted here.

There are no wrong answers when you are speaking about yourself. This is something that improved my interview skills dramatically. There is always an underlying pressure when asked personal questions during an interview. I believe this is because many people experience self-doubt in these moments, and question whether the interviewer will accept the answer. The fact of the matter is simply that the interviewer is going to have personal assumptions no matter what. Be yourself, own it and show the employer that you are awesome.

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Your time is valuable. Again, another very simple concept that many people end up pushing to the backs of their minds. When you do not have a job, it is very easy to fall into that depressive, self-deprecating slump of invalidation and feeling unvalued. It is a hard feeling to shake off, but doing so is doable. Your time is just as valuable as the time the employer is spending to interview. Leave any feelings of inferiority at the door.

Secondly, here are some general interview tips:


The best way to be prepared for an interview is to know a bit about who is interviewing you. Do some research on the employer, the company and how the company runs day to day. Learn the company’s mission statement if they have one. This level of preparation shows employers that you care not only about the job but about the company itself.


Practising responses to standard questions may seem like the best course of action, but it may actually lead to trip-ups in the interview. The best practise you can take is the practice of knowing yourself and putting yourself into your answers. All of the preparation of step one can now be related to your own personal experiences. An interview is about selling yourself to the specific needs of the employer, so try and find how you will fit in.


This is your time to make the next day as simple as possible. Lay out what clothes you would like to wear for the interview along with your shoe choice. Little things you can do that will take time out of your morning routine the next day will feel so good upon waking up.


This is a simple practice that looks great to employers. Arrive to the interview early and focus on positive thinking. A positive attitude and a genuine smile is a part of any good resume.


The last step is very simple: follow up. If these amazing interview tips have not landed you the job already, send a follow-up email. A good rule of thumb is to wait 24 hours before contacting the employer and remember, be polite!