OPSEU sets Oct. 16 as strike deadline across 24 Ontario Colleges

The strike deadline across 24 Ontario colleges is set for Oct. 16 at 12:01 a.m.
A strike deadline has been set by the Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU) for Oct. 16 at 12:01 a.m. The strike deadline was issued as a response to the College Employer Council’s (Council) latest offer during negotiations. According to an OPSEU news release on Oct. 11, the most recent offer from the Council did not address any of the key issues raised by the OPSEU bargaining team.
“[The offer] was completely unacceptable and made no progress on our issues. If anything, it represented a step backwards,” Darryl Bedford, president of Local 110 and member of the OPSEU bargaining team said.
The OPSEU represents the faculty (counsellors, instructors, librarians and professors) from across all 24 colleges in the province. On Sept. 14, 68 per cent of faculty casted their ballots and voted in favour of a strike mandate.
If an agreement is not reached before the strike deadline, picket lines will be established at the entrances to the College. Bedford is asking students who come into the college to approach the picket line safely and patiently. Faculty members will want to quickly speak to students and hand them a flyer regarding the strike.
Bedford explained that members of the OPSEU will not be performing work if the union goes on strike and will not be communicating through email or FOL until an agreement has been reached by both parties involved.
Michele Beaudoin, vice-president of student services, explained that if the strike occurs on Monday, all classes will be cancelled. However, student services will still be available. “Because this is a faculty strike and not a staff strike, all staff will be here, meaning all services will continue to run,” Beaudoin said. Beaudoin also explained that the Student Wellness Centre will remain open as well as the gyms. In addition, Ontario Colleges Athletic Association (OCAA) sports will continue to run, the library will be open and students can partake in any continuing FSU programming during that time period. Students doing co-op placements will also continue to work in the case of a strike.
It is important for students to note that the London Transit Commission buses will not cross any picket lines, meaning that their routes will be changed to stop outside the College.
“This is a matter of faculty standing together in solidarity and trying to improve things for everyone,” Bedford said. Bedford explained that the OPSEU would like to reach an agreement and are ready to continue negotiations.
Both organizations can continue bargaining up to and past the strike deadline, meaning that negotiations can be solved at any time if both parties come to an agreement.
According to an email press release on Oct. 11 from corporate communications, students who have questions regarding how the strike would impact Fanshawe can call 519-452-4277 or email the strike hotline at strikehotline@fanshawec.ca.
Students who want to learn more about the OPSEU’s side of negotiations can go to https://opseu.org/news.
Students who want to learn more about the Council’s side of negotiations and view their previous offers can visit https://thecouncil.on.ca/.