Sexual Health

What is sexual health?
Sexual health involves being able to enjoy the positive aspects of sexual and reproductive behavior and to make informed choices that fit with your personal values. It is affected by gender, age, ability, social class, cultural background, sexual orientation, and values. Sexual health also involves freedom from fear, shame, guilt, difficulties or dysfunctions and diseases. Sexual health includes physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.

Sexual health is a vital and integral part of your overall health and well-being throughout your life, integrating the emotional, physical, cognitive and social aspects of sexuality. To make sure that you're sexually healthy, you need access to private, non-judgmental information and services to help you make informed decisions. Comfort and acceptance of our sexuality directly affects our ability to make healthy choices and to respect the choices of others.

Healthy sexuality involves much more than avoiding negative outcomes, such as sexually transmitted infections (STI) (also known as sexually transmitted diseases) and unintended pregnancies. It involves acquiring the skills, knowledge and behaviors to maintain good sexual and reproductive health throughout life.

This includes making decisions about the partners we will have, the intimate relationships we will establish and how we want to be treated in this relationship. Take time out to explore your values and expectations for intimate relationships. How will you know when it is right for you? What will tell you that there is a problem in the relationship?

What Can You Do?
Sexual health should be maintained as you would any other aspect of your health, such as nutrition or active living. Consider the following:
- Educate yourself, ask questions and make informed decisions.
- Explore your personal values and be true to your self and what you want for your life
- Expect respect for yourself and respect the choices of others; don't judge.
- Learn how to protect yourself against STIs.
- Practice safer sex. Always use condoms in addition to other contraceptive devices
- Seek help if you are being forced or coerced into sexual activity.
- Have regular medical check-ups and, if you're a woman, pap smears.
- Find out if you are at risk for STIs and get tested.

What Information is Available?
Health Canada promotes healthy sexuality by making information, based on current scientific research, readily available through publications, promotional resources, links, policies and guidelines. This information is not intended as a substitute for professional advice. If you feel you need medical advice, please consult your health professional.

If you have questions or concerns about your sexual health contact:
- Fowler/Kennedy Clinic — Student Health: 519-452-4230, Room SC1001
- Middlesex-London Health Unit: 519-663-5446

If you would like to talk with a Counsellor about relationship issues contact: Student Success Center: 519-452-4282, Room F2010 for a confidential appointment.
