Long Distance Love: Settling back in after time apart

It's finally happened. You're finally living in the same city as your significant other, or maybe you're actually living in the same home. Whatever your particular situation, one thing's for sure: the “long distance” has been dropped and it's time to get back to a sense of normalcy in your relationship. This is an exciting time in your relationship, but it can also be stressful, particularly if you are living together.

Trying to incorporate a whole other person into your life, which you have so nicely figured out all on your own, can prove tricky, but here are some tips that should help you smooth the transition so that you can just sit back and enjoy your life:

- Talk about it beforehand. I know I've said this many, many times before, but communication is one of the most important elements in long distance relationships. Make sure that you talk about what life will be like once you're living together again before you make the big move. Talk about what your daily routines are like now, what you want them to be like when you're together and who will do which chores and errands. This will avoid the unnecessary stress of finding that you're doing all the work around the house and you can't figure out why your partner won't help you.

- Expect some bumps in the road. Even though you might be thinking that now your life is perfect, you should expect that things won't run as smoothly as planned — at least for the first little while. If you're living together, there are bound to be times when your partner gets on your nerves, when you miss having your own space and when you just get overwhelmed with all the changes in your life. Even if you're not living together, there may still be some rough patches, though they may be a little easier to overcome. Whatever your situation, just be sure to have realistic expectations that life probably won't be perfect right away.

- Look on the bright side. No matter how frustrating the transition is, you have to keep in mind what you are gaining. You have your best friend by your side once again, so no matter how upset, confused or downright angry you are about some of the new changes to your life, you have your biggest supporter right there beside you to help you through.

Congratulations on surviving the long distance phase! Many exciting things await you in your relationship, and if you can make it through this, then you can make it through anything. I hope these tips — and those tips I've given throughout the past few months — have been helpful for you. Here's to smooth sailing from here on out.