Health, Body and Fitness: Cardio fun

Exam time is going to be here before we know it, and despite the amount of school work we may have to do, it is important to remember to maintain a healthy diet and a regular exercise routine. As the weather gets warmer, you are going to want to be outside anyway, so switch up your workouts, head outside and have fun. Here are the top 10 outdoor workouts you can do this summer to challenge your body and soak up some vitamin D at the same time:

1. Running stairs: Work out your glutes and quads while torching calories at a fast pace. Head to your local football field and try this workout: sprint up the stairs and then walk quickly down — repeat these intervals to maintain a steady heart rate.

2. Rollerblading: Push fully off of your back leg to really work your muscles, and be sure to bend both knees slightly to protect yourself from injury

3. Sand running: No doubt you will be heading to the beach this summer, so why not work out while having fun with your friends? Due to the fact that you aren't on a flat, even surface, your body will have to work harder to maintain balance in the sand. Try having fun as a group by playing a game of beach volleyball!

4. Canoeing/rowing: This is a great upper body cardio workout — and lots of fun to do with a partner! Search a canoe rental shop near you and head out for a fun day with a friend.

5. Beach volleyball: As previously noted, exercise in the sand challenges your body in ways working out at the gym doesn't. If the sun gets too hot, make this upper body challenge a full body workout by moving the net into the shallow water.

6. Cycling: A fun workout that can be done alone or in a group, cycling focuses on challenging your lower body. A great aspect of cycling is that the breeze you will feel will help you to stay cool, and soon you won't even realize how far you have gone and how hard you have worked.

7. Yoga: Who says yoga has to be done indoors? Grab your mat or embrace the grass — try completing your yoga series as the sun sets after a long day. Yoga is an excellent way to increase flexibility and bring a sense of calm to the mind.

8. Park circuit: Remember that jungle gym you played on as a kid? It's time to head back to the park — use the monkey bars for chin ups and dips, and swings for ab challenges.

9. Swimming: Whether it's in your backyard, a community pool or a natural body of water, swimming will tone up your entire body — especially your back muscles. Swimming is an excellent way to exercise without straining your muscles, so head to your “gym” of choice and enjoy the time to yourself.

10. Rock climbing: This workout requires upper body strength, flexibility and high endurance levels… the best part is you can go with a group, as a pair or alone. Just be sure to check out the safety regulations wherever you go — rock climbing is not something you want to do without proper equipment and protection.

These workouts are fantastic ways to get your body into shape for the summer. Be sure to wear lots of sunscreen and stay hydrated when out in the sun!