Student's “alternate fuel” discovery burns up

Howard Kidd learned a valuable chemistry lesson early Thursday morning; bleach and Mr. Clean, when mixed with diesel fuel, will cause an explosion.

0After driving for days with gas that cost him $1.22 a litre, Kidd got fed up and tried to blend his own version of premium unleaded.

After cyphoning most of the unaltered gas from his 1988 Volkswagon Rabbit, he chose random cleaning products from under his mother's sink and mixed them haphazardly in an old wine barrel. He then refilled his car with the new concoction and took the new fuel for a test run.

“I wasn't really sure if it would work for highway driving, but I thought for sure it would ge me a few extra miles in the city,” Kidd told police officers who responded to the scene after Kidd's car exploded. He was only 72 yards from his own driveway.

No one was injured in the blast, however, firefighers were forced to seal off a three-block radius since no one was certain what chemicals were burning.

Disclaimer: Stories printed in the Fanshawe Distorter are in fact fictious. Any resemblance to persons real or dead is unintentional and entirely hilarious.