The Heel Turn: Power changes hands in WWE and TNA

In the space of just one week, major changes have occurred in the big two promotions concerning who is in a position of authority.

The WWE superstar walkout continued last week, and only John Cena, Sheamus and CM Punk showed up to offer their support to Triple H and wrestle. Triple H declared that no matter what, there would be a show for the fans. He booked a match between Sheamus and Cena immediately, with Punk doing commentary all by himself.

This was soon interrupted by the surprise appearance of Mr. Vince McMahon, who said that the protest against his son-in-law was hurting business. He informed Triple H that the WWE board of directors had just removed him from his position as Chief Operating Officer. An interim general manager was picked by the board, and it turned out to be none other than John Laurinaitis. This appointment is meant to last only until a permanent GM can be found. If they are looking for a GM who possesses the highest ethics and professionalism, then they really don't have to look further than Jim Ross, in my opinion.

The new GM wasted no time in getting the Superstars back to work. A bizarre moment occurred when Laurinaitis came face to face with John Morrison, who was very vocal about his dislike for the boss. I can't remember the two of them even having any screen time together in the past to cause such a minor beef. This must perhaps stem from actual behind the scenes events regarding Melina's release from the company. Morrison himself is rumoured to be facing his own termination from the WWE, which would be a shame as he is a tremendous athlete. He just needs more opportunity to talk and show some personality, which he seemed to have a couple years ago when he was teamed up with the Miz.

If it actually does come to Morrison getting "future endeavoured," then I'm sure that he would not have any trouble getting a job with either TNA or Ring Of Honor. His amazing athleticism and parkour skills would probably be a better fit in those companies.

TNA's Bound For Glory opened the gates for Dixie Carter to come back and take control of her company again, as Hulk Hogan lost his fight against the insane icon Sting. Not only is the Hulkster giving control back to where it belongs, but he also turned face again. After the match, Immortal came out to presumably beat up Sting, but Hogan turned against his former allies and sent them all running from the ring. This has been in the works for a long time, but Hulkamania has returned. Who knows how Eric Bischoff will react to this development? Two things are for sure, though; Dixie Carter is now back in charge, and things will never be the same for Immortal.