10 Things I Know About You... Brooks waiting on 2012?

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Andrew Brooks is a first year general Arts and sciences student. He said, "I'm loud, lots of fun and a big music enthusiast. I get very bored very easily, but I'm amused by simple things. I'm a cat person, and I freaking love bacon." 1. Why are you here?
On Earth? To bring on the good times.

2. What was your life-changing moment?
In grade 7 I slipped in front of a school bus. It didn't see me, but my friend Ryan jumped out in front and stopped it. I would have been run over that day if he weren't there.

3. What music are you currently listening to?
The new The Strokes album.

4. What is the best piece of advice you've ever received?
"Try the churros," and I'm serious - they were freaking amazing.

5. Who is your role model?
My role model is Julian Casablancas. Just gotta party and have a good time.

6. Where in the world have you traveled?
Only England and the U.S.

7. What was your first job?
I worked at McDonalds, like essentially all of my friends.

8. What would your last meal be?
Last meal? I don't really know. Oddly enough I'd probably take something simple like pasta.

9. What makes you uneasy?
Spiders, broken bones, rotten food and 2012.

10. What is your passion?
Music, 100 per cent. I've never done anything musical, but I've taken vocal lessons for ages and I've been playing instruments for years. I'd make a career out of it if I could.

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