Golden Girls cause riots at signing

The Barnes and Noble on Sixth Avenue and 22nd Street in New York City locked its doors around 11 a.m. yesterday, hoping to stem the crush of spectators.

People lined up all the way down the street, hoping they would get a chance to see the group inside, signing copies of their newly released DVD.

The bookstore is used to huge crowds surging its door when celebs come to sign books. Jessica Simpson drew a crowd of 20,000 and the street was closed off just 30 minutes after Bill Clinton arrived to sign his memoirs.

But no one expected a mob to form when the Golden Girls came to town.

The Golden GirlsOver 5,000 people, mostly women over 65, crowded outside the bookstore when the Girls arrived to sign their newly released third season DVD.

But before noon, the doors were locked to keep the crowd inside under control. No one thought, however, that the problem would be with the women outside. Women resorted to violence within minutes, using walkers, canes and false teeth to injure others, in hopes of upping their chances to get inside.

“At one point, I thought I was going to have to get out the fire hose,” said Emile Poulson, the security guard on duty that day. “I gotta say, for little old ladies, they scared the hell outta me!”

Others who witnessed the angry mob attempting to get closer to the 80's small-screen legends said that they were worried more about bystanders than the seemingly fragile old women.

“I couldn't believe the violence,” said Cathy Nilson, 42, who was also hoping to get her copy of the DVD signed. “I was in line with the rest of them until people started poking each other with canes.

“The ones in wheelchairs were trying to run over people's feet.”

The Golden Girls main spokesperson, Dorothy (Bea Aurther) said that while the response was uncalled for, it certainly wasn't the first time an appearance has led to blows among the senior citizens.

“We aren't even allowed in Boca Raton, Florida anymore. With their high retiree population, the city would crumble!”