20 Questions: Don't hold your breath for the Leafs

Margaret Sheridan is Interrobang's resident ‘writer of all articles no one else wants to write.' Born and raised in Scarborough, she was a part of the French immersion program from kindergarten through grade 12, and graduated earlier this year from Centennial College's three-year journalism program.

1. What is something about you that most people don't know?
I am absolutely terrified of fish and am trying to get over the fear by having a pet Beta who I've named CCM.

2. If you were on a deserted island and could only bring one item or person with you, what would it be?
I think it would be a toss-up between Matt Damon or Pierre Berton's book “Vimy.”

3. What is your greatest indulgence?
Coffee? Maybe? But that's probably closer to the addiction category.

4. What was your favourite television show of all time?
My vote would have to go for either “JAG” or “Pinky and the Brain.”

5. Who is your favourite band/group/musician?
I really don't have a favourite.

6. What is the best piece of advice you've ever received?
Always smile.

7. Who is your role model?
Pierre Trudeau, I respect that he always stuck up for himself and Canada when others wouldn't have.

8. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you choose to live?
I love Vienna, but I haven't seen Russia, and that would be quite the experience living there.

9. What was your first job?
I worked at a horseback riding camp for a summer in grade 10.

10. What is your dream job?
Writer for mapleleafs.com, that or working for the Toronto Star or CBC.

11. What would your last meal be?
Greek fries from Messinis on the Danforth in Toronto.

12. What stresses you out?
People. Oh and lately Bryan McCabe.

13. Do you consider yourself a risk taker? If so, what is the biggest risk you've taken?
Not so much a risk taker as being independent. I spent a month backpacking, for the most part alone, through Europe last spring.

14. If you could foresee the outcome of one event or moment in your life, what would it be?
In what year the Leafs finally win the Stanley Cup.

15. What is your favourite drink?

16. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
I've never really liked my nose.

17. What actor would you choose to play you in a movie?
I'd say Matt Damon dressed in drag, but if he's on the island with me I'll settle for Brad Pitt in drag. Or Geraldine Chapman.

18. If you could have three wishes fulfilled, what would they be?
1. Someday getting my dream job.
2. Leafs win the Stanley Cup.
3. Tim Horton's coffee for life.

19. Do you believe in love at first sight?
I do not, I believe in attraction, but love takes time.

20. When and where was your last vacation?
I guess my annual camping trip with a group of high school friends during the summer, otherwise it'd have to be Europe.
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