Study: Campus guys love cleavage

It's true, campus guys love cleavage according to a Distorter study on why men's eyes glance downward at women's breasts at every available opportunity.

The study involved a variety of women with different breast sizes, ranging from A cups all the way to DD cups. In all instances the hint of visible cleavage was enough for all male subjects to try to sneak a peak at the wondrous mountains of the female anatomy.

“The only time our male test subjects weren't visibly drawn to the cleavage area was when we dressed our lady volunteers in things such as turtlenecks, cardigan sweaters, parkas and habits,” said study author Jimmy Havarti. “Shockingly though, the girl in the habit did have her rear end checked out as she left the encounter with our test male.”

Study volunteer Tammy Knockers said the whole process was eye opening.

“I always had this feeling that every time I wear a low cut revealing shirt guys would be staring,” said Knockers. “I just don't know what the fascination with cleavage is, but I wish guys would stop staring, and the girls too.”

The eight month study covered a variety of subjects including buttocks, nose rings and goth chicks.

Disclaimer: Stories printed in the Fanshawe Distorter are in fact fictious. Any resemblance to persons real or dead is intentional and entirely hilarious. Proudly distorting the truth since 2005.