How much are you worth?

If you've ever wanted to know how much you're worth, we've found the website for you. Through much research (well...Thursday night web-surfing while watching “Grey's Anatomy” DVDs kind of counts as research) the editorial staff brings you

Indeed, you've read that correctly, but rest assured I'm not really selling people, nor does Interrobang endorse the selling of people, but political incorrectness aside you can quite rightly figure out how much you would retail on today's market (which prompts the question: Is there a market?)

Now that you've logged onto the site (right?) the first question they ask is, “Are you male or female?” Now, not to arouse any complaints about sexism from our readers, the site goes on to explain that they're placing a woman's value at $135,000 and men at $200,000 based on the average difference in pay between the two sexes.

Beyond your education, work field, annual income and IQ, some less obvious questions help create the final price tag. Some of those considerations include shoe size, how hairy you are, whether you have cavities and even your sense of humour. Hypertrichosis, or were “Wolf Syndrome,” can take up to $15,000 off your final worth, whereas having green eyes could actually increase your value. Of course they also had to ask the women what their cup size is and the men, well, the questionnaire will tell you whether size really does matter when it comes to matters below the belt.

So here's what I've done: I approached our FSU council with the simple request that they all fill out the test and submit their worth, to Interrobang. Now to be fair, it's not like I was standing over their shoulders to make sure they weren't lying (talk about awkward) so whether or not their worth is accurate is up to you.