4:20 Summit to be held at Fanshawe

As April 20th quickly approaches, Fanshawe College is preparing for the international 4:20 summit. Representatives from every sector are going to be in attendance; Stephen Colbert (Media/Truthiness), House (Medical), Matthew Good (Music), Borat (Ambassador of Kazakhstan), Gladis The Cat (Animal Rights), Freddy The Falcon (Fanshawe College), George W. Bush (United States), and Fanshawe's Breckon Prest representing The Distorter.

All representatives are coming to the school to discuss the importance of celebrating 4:20 and how it impacts their specific field. Readers may remember Bush's last visit to the college as previously reported right here in the Distorter, Fanshawe's most trusted source for news. “I'm glad to be back to the college, my last experience here at the college was HIGHLY enlightening” stated President Bush. This possibly explains a few of his decisions since that initial visit.

Discussions are expected to take all day and the group is expecting to meet until all of the smoke has cleared. Dr. House is scheduled to start the proceedings with how the recreational use of banned substances can in fact be actually healthy for you, not to mention the positive effects for increasing hunger and food cravings. “The sale of munchies can greatly influence our economy,” claimed Colbert. “Especially by purchasing the new Ben & Jerry's ice cream, Stephen Colbert's Americone Dream”.

Gladis the Cat has other intentions for the meeting; she is trying to garner attention to the escalating costs of premium black-market potent cat-nip. Entertainment is to be provided by the new Fanshawe super-group containing Freddy The Falcon on lead guitar, Matthew Good on guitar/vocals, Borat as lead singer, and Fanshawe's Breckon Prest doing an interpretative dance. If all goes according to plan, Forwell Hall will be hosting this super-group on 4/20 @ 4:20, be sure to check it out. Gazoo wasn't available for comment, he won't be available until after a few passes of the FSU peace pipe.

Disclaimer: Stories printed in the Fanshawe Distorter are in fact fictious. Any resemblance to persons real or dead is intentional and entirely hilarious. Proudly distorting the truth since 2005.