The foreign concept of buying local

TORONTO (CUP) -- In the midst of midterms, part-time jobs and the attempts of scraping together something that resembles a social life, it's difficult to eat healthy, let alone eat locally. Yet a new health and consumer-conscious trend of buy locally grown food -- food produced within a 160-kilometre radius of where you live -- is gaining popularity.

The idea is that buying from local farmers makes you know more about the food you're eating. As well, you get the freshest possible food since it's traveled the shortest distance.

If you live in South Western Ontario, for example, there is a diverse range of farmland, given the right season.

There are a few things to consider when standing up to the challenge of eating so close to home.

Eating locally means eating seasonally, says Ontario farmer John Camilleri, owner of Poplar Lane Organic Farms. In the dead of winter, potatoes and squash are available, but you will be hard-pressed to find a variety of fruits and vegetables.

“If you want to do it right, you have to buy in bulk, in season, then can, freeze and preserve foods. That's the way it's been done for hundreds of years,” he said.

This means doing your research and learning about agricultural seasons. It also means adapting -- you have to be willing to give up your early morning caffeine boost, because coffee beans definitely aren't local.

“Right now about 50 per cent of our stock is from local farms, and in the summer everything is local,” said Monica Walker of Organics, who praises those who want to attempt the rigid plan of the local diet.

“It's better for the environment. You don't have masses of jet fuel being emitted in order to transport it, there is less wear and tear on roads and, of course, you are supporting your local economy.”

James MacKinnon, Canadian journalist and co-author of “100-Mile Diet: a Year of Local Eating,” says eating locally has benefits beyond helping the environment and economy.

By buying local produce, city dwellers build a connection with the food they eat, says MacKinnon.

If you want to follow the traditional route, visit your local farmers and their goods at weekly farmer's markets. Many offer organic local meats, produce, bread, and dairy products.