Say "no" to burnout!

Staying on top of all our responsibilities can be tough, but there are ways to manage stress through these difficult periods.
It can be challenging as a student who wants to say “yes” to every opportunity and be the best in every area that they are accountable for. Most students already have so much on their plate with the stress of school and part-time work, and there may also be the additional factor of personal stress. Say “no” to burnout by using the below tips in this article keeping your mental health a priority this semester.
1. Organize the clutter
It’s hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel when you don’t know what’s ahead of you. If you're working part-time while in school, creating a work and school timetable will be helpful to know what time slots you have available outside of those responsibilities. It’s also important to have allocated time for travel, studying, and time to wind down. A great tip that I always recommend is to plan the week ahead of you on the weekend so that you know what school expectations are coming up.
2. Don’t be afraid to say “no”
If you love to take every opportunity that comes your way, this can be a bit challenging. This is where prioritizing skills and pros-cons tools come into place. School should always be the top priority. After, any opportunities that arise should undergo one of the above-mentioned actions (a pros-cons list or analyzing your priorities). Should there be an opportunity arise that you simply won’t have time to commit to, it's important to take a stand for your existing responsibilities and politely say “no.” College and university credentials are such an important factor to life after graduation. This is another reminder to put your school first and everything else will come after.
3. The importance of winding down
There are several ways to allow the mind to relax from a stressful day. Examples include reading, watching television, exercising, or even spending time with family or friends. The time that is spent to wind down shouldn’t be seen as unproductive but simply a time of giving back to yourself after working hard. Those who don’t allocate the time to wind down can often find themselves feeling sluggish and emotionally drained.
4. Keep your body healthy
The mind won’t be able to function without a healthy body and without taking care of your health it can certainly lead to burnout. Make sure to eat well, include exercise in your routines, take vitamins, and get adequate sleep. Without taking care of your body, it can cause a tired and unproductive body which won’t be very helpful for a busy routine.
5. Meditation
Meditation can be a helpful tool to start the day right. Just 10 to 15 minutes can encourage a positive outlook and mindset for the day ahead of you. However, meditation during a stressful period can also allow for a moment of peace from the chaos. YouTube is a great resource to use for meditation whether guided or instrumental sounds. There are also meditation classes that many yoga studios offer to help calm the mind.
Through stressful periods, it’s important to remember that this moment will pass. To avoid the burnout that is commonly affected by many, try to utilize the tips mentioned in this article to live an emotionally healthy lifestyle. It’s important that students avoid academic burnout by taking care of themselves and using tools to prevent this. It’s never too late to shift your mindset and create a routine that helps to take care of you.