Sustainability Today: Curtains down for ‘Semester for Sustainability’


This semester, B Building entrance at Fanshawe’s London Campus saw a burst of activity with students engaging at the ‘Semester for Sustainability’ booths and the bright colours of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) displayed on the television – a contrast to the weary winter outside.

The booths were part of Fanshawe Sustainability’s campaign to educate students about the SDGs, how relevant they are in everyday life, what Fanshawe is doing to meet the goals, and what actions students can take to contribute. Whether at home, in the community, at college/work or in the world. Prizes consisting of a sustainability hamper were awarded to those who completed these tasks.

Throughout the term, Fanshawe Sustainability was joined by several college departments and community organizations, all excited to showcase their contributions to sustainable development. In the spirit of SDG 4, London Public Library, the Library Learning Commons, and the Sexual Violence Prevention Advisor touted the support available to students and community members. To celebrate SDGs 8 and 9, we welcomed Employment & Students Entrepreneurial Services, the Coordinator of Sustainable Initiatives from Applied and Research, and Fanshawe’s Photography Program. Active Transportation and Transportation Planning and Design from the City of London and Reimagine Co. accompanied us for discussions on SDGs 11 and 12. The London Environmental Network engaged students regarding SDG 13, while the City’s Long Range Planning, Research and Ecology discussed SDGs 14 and 15. Finally, Fanshawe’s Centre for Research and Innovation and City of London’s Anti-Racism and Anti-Oppression Unit joined forces to extol the benefits of SDGs 16 and 17. The Semester for Sustainability culminated in a Sustainability Trivia Night, organized in association with the Fanshawe Student Union (FSU) last month.

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Just like the winter semester culminates, heralding spring, the campaign too ended witnessing a host of bright young minds steer towards a sustainable path. They actively participated, learnt, and encouraged their friends to follow. It is hoped many more will mirror this. The effects of the adopted changes may not be visible instantly but will pay great dividends in making sure we have a future – a future of peace, prosperity, and sustainable living.

For those interested, Fanshawe Sustainability’s campaign and resources are available on its Instagram page: @Fanshawesustainability.

Contributed by Fanshawe Sustainability