
Be open and honest and you’ll avoid awkward situations. Truth matters and will make a difference when dealing with sensitive issues. How you respond to others will make a difference in how much help you receive. Don’t let anger lead the way, stay positive. Take your responsibilities seriously and you’ll come up with a unique plan others will like. Think big, but don’t blow the budget. Emotional spending will be your downfall as OSAP rolls in. Leave your credit cards and cash in a safe place. Love is on the horizon.


The Fanshawe College Student Services and Here For You logos are shown. A young woman is shown sitting at a desk. Text states: Support comes in many forms. Experience flexible seervices that support you where you are.

Concentrate on what you can accomplish as school starts up. Move things around at home to suit your needs. The easier it is for you to be productive, the better. Put more thought into how best to use your skills to get ahead doing something you enjoy. A physical improvement will fetch compliments and give you the confidence to keep going. Don’t let uncertainty get you down. Look past any obstacles you face, and you’ll know what you must do to get ahead. Refuse to let temptation overpower you.


A mix-up will confuse you regarding how things unfold. Get along with others, and you’ll get things done. Verify information to avoid passing along false data. Think matters through and act on what you discover. Study the possibilities and consider what type of expansion you can handle safely without giving up too much to get what you want. Love and romance are rising, and personal growth and self-improvement are encouraged. Take better care of your health and reputation. Take an inventory of what everyone has so items don’t go missing.


Stick close to home these next few weeks and take care of domestic chores. Plans that improve your relationship with the people close to you will pay off. Consider the best way to handle complaints. Speak passionately about how you see the future unfolding, and you’ll have a captive audience willing to help you reach your goal. Approach school and play creatively and you will come across something that encourages you to change your direction that improves your lifestyle. Share your thoughts and ideas. Don’t give up on your dreams.


Changing how you use your money will solve a cash flow problem. Working to maintain a healthy portfolio will put your mind at ease. Bump up your discussions with people in the know and you will gain insight into what you can do to improve your position. Don’t leave anything to chance; ask questions, research and handle matters yourself. A change of plans will leave you uncertain about your relationship with people at home. Take note of what others do before you make a move that affects your long-term plans. Relax and enjoy what life has to offer. A physical challenge will boost your confidence.


It’s up to you to bring about change if that’s what’s required. Don’t wait for someone else to make the first move. Put your energy where it will help you the most. You’ll face a game changer if you adjust your time and effort into keeping up with technology and others’ knowledge that will help you remain ahead . An emotional incident will change how you feel about someone. Put anger aside and look for innovative solutions. Uncertainty and frustration will leave you in limbo. Retreat until you figure out what’s best for you.


Take charge and you’ll devise solutions and execute your plans flawlessly. A solid idea will make your life easier and improve your relationship with someone you love. Set things up to suit your needs and you will be happy with the results. Use your expertise to win favours and convince others to lend you a helping hand. A partnership opportunity looks inviting. Slow down, take a breath and assess your next move. How you schedule your time will make a difference in how much you accomplish. Exercising and eliminating situations that affect you negatively are encouraged.


You are overdue for a change. Participate in something that interests. Rethink your long-term plan and you’ll come up with an idea that will help you save for something that improves your life and gives you something to strive to achieve. Don’t take a risk with your health, position or reputation. Keep the peace and do what’s best for everyone. A creative outlet will allow you to relax and enjoy. Events that include all ages or a reunion will bring back memories and drum up old feelings. Say what’s on your mind and clear any misconception floating around.


Trust your instincts, not what someone tells you. An emotional situation will escalate, leaving you in a difficult position if you haven’t been honest about how you feel. Put your energy where it makes a difference and don’t look back. What you contribute will change how others think about an offer you present. Don’t hold back; give your all, and you’ll get high returns. Be a good listener; take in all the information you receive and you’ll get a chance to adjust your plans to ensure you get what you want. Put your energy where it counts and it will bring you closer to someone you love.


Make positive changes to how you live, and it will set an example for others. A change at home geared toward fun and entertainment will bring you closer to someone you love. You’ll face a difference of opinion that will alter how you move forward. Determine what’s best for you long-term and head in that direction. Keep life simple and affordable, and target what you are trying to achieve. Evaluate your position and the changes that will improve your life. Be a good listener and you’ll receive information that helps you raise your profile and popularity.


Take care of unfinished business. Oversee health matters that need adjustments. Don’t give anyone access to your space. You’ll find information that can help you get ahead. Consider what you have to offer and hone your skills. Update your resume and prepare to branch out in a promising direction. Keep your emotions in check, regardless of what others do or say. The best way to fend for yourself is to focus on what’s best for you. An exciting opportunity is heading your way. Take advantage of whatever comes your way.


Attend social events and you’ll gain access to information that will help you improve your lifestyle. Put your thoughts in motion. Use your skills, attributes and experience to do something that brings you joy. Loving what you do will make a difference in the way you perform. A change will give you a different perspective on life, love and happiness. Look over your options and step in a direction that gives you hope for a better future. Refuse to let anyone trick you into an emotional debate. Spend more time improving your skills, knowledge and relationships with loved ones.