
Keep your intentions to yourself. Iron out foreseeable problems before you initiate change with new roommates. Assess every situation carefully, paying attention to truth and detail. Participate and expand your interests during the first few weeks of September. A passionate approach to life, love and finding your niche will help you recognize what makes you happy. Follow your heart and your dream. Taking on responsibilities that don’t belong to you will leave you exhausted. Consider engaging those you live with about something that concerns you.


Navigator. Londons student lifestyles magazine.

Change only what’s necessary. Focus on your health and physical well-being. Give your surroundings a facelift and enjoy the comfort you provide for yourself and your loved ones. You’ll get a much broader view of what’s possible in the coming weeks. Discuss possibilities with someone you can count on to find ways that make your life easier. Learn from your mistakes and use your intelligence to help you get ahead. Don’t waste time or take shortcuts. Address issues that will bring you up to speed regarding how to use your skills and knowledge.


Confusion will occur if you believe everything you hear. Follow the dots, gather information and surround yourself with honest people. Share information you can verify. Sit back, listen and observe to get a sense of what others are willing to do for you and how you can accommodate them in return. Make your space functional and your personal comfort will skyrocket. Consider outmaneuvering someone trying to overstep you or make you look bad. A colourful attitude will open doors. Get involved in projects or participate in events where your attributes will come in handy.


You can impress others without going overboard. Be creative, and you’ll draw attention to something you want to pursue. Step outside your comfort zone, and you’ll gain ground. Be careful what you wish for. Too much of anything will turn sour. Don’t overspend, take on too much or indulge in something that can harm your reputation. Someone you least expect will lend a helping hand. Being accommodating will be the start of a long-lasting union geared toward advancing what you both want out of life. Keep your secrets to yourself. Don’t give anyone ammunition to use against you.


Explore obscure options and you’ll achieve personal growth. Looking and feeling your best will attract people who share your optimism and goals. An unusual opportunity will surface if you share your thoughts and intentions. Someone you meet will impact a decision you make regarding where and how you live. Face emotional turmoil. Someone will try to make you look bad. Replace a loss with something that puts a smile on your face. Your charismatic nature will captivate someone if you get out and participate in events and educational pursuits. Romance is encouraged.


Put your time and effort into you. Invest in yourself, even if it means changing direction. Speak up on your behalf, and the limitations you face will diminish. Finances and health can be dealt with if you go through the proper channels. You’ll receive information encouraging you to change direction and pursue something that brings you joy. Don’t stop until you reach your destination. Educational pursuits will help you surpass your expectations. Distance yourself from anyone trying to block you from what you want to do. Confront issues blatantly, leaving no room for error.


Spend time creating a space that is convenient and conducive to achieving your goals. Whether it’s a place to study, do something creative or work out to improve your health and well-being, it will be worthwhile. Dress for the part. If there is someone you want to impress, go all out to ensure you eliminate any risk of rejection. Adventures are on the horizon; invest in yourself. Make personal gain, self-improvement and love priorities. An open mind will feed your imagination and lead you down a path that encourages socializing and personal perfection.


Give yourself a chance to explore. Let your mind wander and your imagination take you on a journey that leads to something new and exciting. Pay attention and you’ll notice you have more options than you realize. Be open to suggestions, but don’t be afraid to give whatever you choose to do a unique twist. Be true to yourself and live the dream. Emotions will escalate, and tempers will rise if you let someone’s words or actions get to you. Listen, but don’t take the bait. Use intelligence, facts and whatever resources are at your disposal to get past the stupidity. Manage your money wisely.


You may want to check your facts before offering your opinion. You can be open without being misleading. Personal gain is heading your way. Get out and mingle and you’ll connect with someone who has something to offer. Put your heads together, and you will mastermind a plan to encourage using your skills to do something you enjoy. Don’t expect everyone to like your decisions. Weigh the logistics of your plan and take responsibility to ensure everything falls into place. Pay attention to the way you present yourself. Romance is in the stars.


Take a different approach to the way you convince others, and you will get the help you require to get things done your way. You’ll face emotional backlash from someone trying to outshine you. Choose to be kind and complimentary to ward off an embarrassing scene. Do your best to get along. Make reasonable adjustments at home. Going into debt to please someone will add stress to the relationship. Be fair and don’t fold under pressure. Offer what’s doable. Living a minimalist lifestyle will lighten the emotional and financial loads you are carrying.


Listen carefully and ask questions if something confuses you. Getting your facts straight will help you make better decisions. You’ll devise an exciting plan that can influence your relationship with someone special. Working alongside someone you love will pay off and bring you closer together. Expect to face opposition. Dealing with a friend, relative or peer will be emotionally challenging. Stick close to home and enjoy doing the things that put your mind at ease and encourage you to relax and rejuvenate. Romance is on the rise and will bring you closer to someone you love.


Share your feelings and you will resolve issues. Don’t live a lie; honesty is the best policy. Question what you are doing with your life and you’ll come up with a list of what to keep and discard. Using your intelligence and being responsible for your happiness will release you from the stress you harbour. Initiate the changes you plan to make, and you’ll get the feedback you need to go about your business. Looking to an expert for input will validate your plans. Emotional problems will increase if a friend or relative doesn’t like your decisions. Do what’s best for you.
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