Western Fair set to return after two years of cancellations

The fair will run this fall from Sept. 9-18, and is being marketed as "Happy Days".
The annual Western Fair is returning after two years of COVID-19 cancellations.
The fair will run this fall from Sept. 9-18, and is being marketed as “Happy Days.” Western Fair Association (WFA) CEO Reg Ash said the campaign is “an ode to what many of us are feeling in the event industry after two years of shut-downs and restrictions.”
Early Bird tickets to the fair are available until June 1 for $10. Advance Super Passes, which include ride-all-day bracelets and fair admission cost $40 and are available to purchase now. Corporate group sale packages are also available for businesses, as well as private groups of 15 or more.
More information about attractions and entertainment will be coming soon, but for now, a comprehensive list of competitions including best-in-class art, photography, crafts, and culinary has been posted at westernfair.ca. The WFA has also put out an early call for food vendors, exhibitors and other work opportunities.
“We want everyone to have the opportunity to be happy and enjoy a day at the Fair in 2022, we all deserve that,” said Ash in a statement released Wednesday. “WFA is pleased to launch Kids 10 & under, and Seniors 70+ are FREE at Western Fair… and we are holding our 2019 gate admission price of $15 for 2022, to keep the fair affordable, at a time when everything costs more.”
Fanshawe College is often well-represented at the fair, specifically through performances by Music Industry Arts (MIA) musicians. It is considered one of London’s largest community events, offering work, volunteer, and vendor opportunities.
The first fair took place in 1868, and at that time was a two-day event, held just north of what is now Victoria Park in London, Ont. By 1898, the fair had expanded to a 10-day event, highlighting various industrial, agricultural and artistic competitions. In 2020, the Western Fair was cancelled for the first time since World War II due to COVID-19. 2022 marks the return of one of Canada’s major fairs and a Top 10 event in Ontario.
For more information, visit westernfair.ca