
Do something you find meaningful this month. You can make a difference if you offer your skills to help someone in need or a cause that motivates you. You’ll connect with someone who shares your vision. Share your knowledge and experience with like-minded people, and you will discover a way to use your skills in a manner that makes you feel good about the contribution you make. Pay attention to what others do and say and you’ll know what’s required of you to make what you have to offer valuable. An adjustment will turn out better than anticipated.


The Fanshawe College Student Services and Here For You logos are shown. A young woman is shown sitting at a desk. Text states: Supoort comes in many forms. Experience flexible services that support you where you are.

Do what makes you happy this month. Indulge in activities that motivate you to spend more time with someone who enjoys the same things as you. Romance is in the stars. Don’t let anyone limit what you can do. Take the path that offers something in return. Always giving and never receiving will wear thin. Don’t let anyone take advantage of you. Hook up with someone who gets you. A change of plans will play in your favour. Share your vision and live up to your promises. Don’t take on more than you can handle or you’ll face criticism. Avoid unnecessary health risks.


Pay attention to what’s important and will make a difference regarding your reputation. The effort you put in will not go unnoticed. You’ll gain insight into trends that can help you advance. Use your skills to accommodate whatever changes occur and refuse to let anyone stand in your way or push you in a direction that doesn’t suit you. Someone will confuse you with innuendos, don’t be gullible; use intelligence and experience to overcome misdirection. Reach out to people you know you can trust and rely on for sound advice and hands-on help.


Use ingenuity and pull everything together this month. Map out a plan that brings about positive change and enhances your life and relationships with others. Do your own thing. Refuse to let anyone interfere with your progress or make comments or suggestions that cause uncertainty. Join forces with someone who sparks your imagination. Opportunities will come from an unusual source. Romance will improve your life. Emotions will reach an all-time high if you get into a debate with someone close to you. Diplomacy is in your best interest.


Think about the direction you see yourself heading and put together a plan that will help you reach your destination of choice. An unexpected force play is a blessing in disguise. Pay attention to what others are doing this month. Control your emotions, and it will simplify a situation that causes uncertainty. Follow your intuition, not what someone else chooses to do. An experience will change how you proceed. Keep your finger on the pulse and pick up skills that will lead to success. Share your thoughts and feelings with someone special and you’ll reach a decision that satisfies both your needs.


Plan something special for you and someone you love. A surprise will change the dynamics of your relationship. Romance is featured, and revealing feelings is encouraged. A change someone makes will mess with your routine. Don’t show displeasure; work with what’s available to you. A playful approach to life will attract positive attention. The possibilities are endless if you use your imagination and try something new and exciting. Put a plan in place and follow through. Proceed with caution when money or health matters surface. Spontaneity will turn into a fiasco.


Take your time, plan carefully, and don’t share too much information with others. It’s best to have everything in place to avoid opposition. Put more effort into connecting with people who can help you get ahead instead of wasting time facing off with someone who will never see things your way. Confidence and finishing what you start is the path to success. Take a back seat and listen to what others contribute. Mull over the information, and you’ll figure out what to do next. Time is on your side. Tie up loose ends and make your position clear to someone questioning what you are doing.


Reach out to a friend or relative who can shed light on something you find confusing or questionable. Seeing things through someone else’s eyes will enlighten you. Outmaneuver anyone who attempts to play with your emotions. Use insight and experience to deal with meddlers and those trying to take advantage of you. You’ll attract opportunities that grab you emotionally, intellectually and encourage you to act physically to ensure things get done to your specifications. Social events can turn sour quickly if you or someone else is indulgent.


Discipline is essential if you want to avoid a falling out over something you neglect to finish or a promise you choose not to honour. Keep your word. Stop fretting over something you can’t change and concentrate on what you can achieve. Back away from people heading in the opposite direction. Gravitate toward those who can help you reach your goal. Don’t get caught in someone else’s melodrama or it will affect your relationship with a friend or relative. Stick close to home and put your energy into making your surroundings more convenient.


Ponder over your options and you’ll come up with a plan that will help you make positive lifestyle changes. Romance is encouraged. Look at the pros and cons before changing your lifestyle. Sticking to a budget is highly recommended. You’ll be privy to inside information that can help you physically, financially, and emotionally. Consider the possibilities and search for a unique way to use your skills to take advantage of an opportunity. You’re likely to have a run-in this month with a friend or relative if you cannot agree on something.


A change someone enforces will leave you in a compromising position. Do whatever you can to offset the outcome. Trust in yourself and your ability to get things done all by yourself. Be observant and you’ll gain insight into the best way to handle a situation you encounter with a friend or relative. Someone will tempt you to overspend and be self-indulgent. Take a moment to consider the outcome and the cost involved. You can have fun without losing control. Rethink your financial strategy and you’ll come up with a reasonable way to make ends meet.


Participate in something you feel passionate about and something interesting will transpire. A connection you make will change how you live and do things in the future. Look over finances and reconfigure anything you think might be a problem. Be specific regarding what you will do to ensure you aren’t stuck with an expense you cannot afford. Your intuition will guide you regarding something or someone that intrigues you. Look at the possibilities and how you can make a difference. A disagreement will be a telltale sign of what to expect moving forward. Lay down ground rules to avoid disappointment.
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