
Take charge of your time. Start a new exercise routine or revamp your diet or eating habits. Rethink your lifestyle and the relationships you have with friends or your lover. Don’t use force or put pressure on others. Your best asset is your mind and taking an approach with a positive attitude will help you get what you want. You’ll face opposition if you count on someone else to keep up or take on half the responsibilities you share. Be prepared to work and finish what you start. Pay attention to what things cost and don’t spend a penny more.


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Spread your wings and fly. Try something new and use all your attributes to push your way to the top. Keep your thoughts to yourself, your emotions tied into your imagination and creativity, and focus on what’s important to you. Take what you do best and develop your skills to meet the criteria of something you want to pursue. Expanding your mind will drive your passion for excelling onward and upward. Shared ideas will lead to exciting prospects. Money and emotions don’t mix well. Don’t try to buy love or favours.


Take an honest, open look at your relationships and home environment and you’ll come up with a plan that will make your life better. Learn from your mistakes and turn a negative into a positive. You are ready for a new adventure. Set high standards, add what someone recommends to your qualifications and expand your interests. A position that opens will tempt you, but before you move, consider what you are giving up. Retreat and rethink. Be sure to verify the facts and figures before you commit to participating in something new. Follow your intuition when dealing with a friend or lover.


Control your emotions. Letting criticism get to you will cause a rift between you and whoever is dishing out the comments. Take the high road, mull over the suggestions made and use the information to your advantage. A money matter will leave you at odds regarding what to do next. Walk away from anyone pushing something on you that you don’t want or need. Socialize and share your feelings with someone you love. A chance to spend more time with someone you love will bring you closer. Think big but act moderately and you’ll sidestep a costly mistake.


Don’t be fooled by a sales pitch that neglects to reveal hidden costs. Have a budget in mind, and don’t make a move unless you get what you want. Don’t let someone you love cost you financially. You can’t buy love. Time spent with a friend who offers honesty and suggestions will help you make a wise decision. Romance is on the rise, and a promise will be made. Emotions will spin out of control. Take a deep breath, and don’t let your anger get the better of you. Self-improvement projects are favoured. Lay down ground rules on and take care of domestic matters.


Change begins with you. Gather information and make the necessary changes. Be upfront regarding your plans to avoid complaints and criticism after the fact. Don’t take a risk that can affect your physical well-being or health. Expand your skills, knowledge, experience, and exploit what you have to offer. An offer looks promising and fruitful. A change of plans will turn out to be better than anticipated. Get together with someone who enjoys the same things you do. Be careful what you wish for. There will be hidden responsibilities that will tax your time and energy.


Don’t push what you want on others. Instead, have fun doing the things you enjoy, and others will join in on their own. Life is simple; don’t complicate matters with rhetoric. Pump up the volume and put what you know and do best to work for you. Heading down a path that you feel passionate about will make you feel good about what you do with your time and talent. Penny-pinching will help you keep your finances in order. Don’t make an impulsive purchase. Save for future endeavours. Ease stress and cash flow, sort through your stuff and sell what you no longer need.


Pay attention to what others say and do. The information you receive will help push you to make a personal change that will spare you from spending unnecessarily. Say no to a challenge that entails taking a physical risk. Keep your personal information, problems and life secret. Someone will try to tarnish your reputation if given a chance. Pay attention to detail and how much things cost and you’ll avoid setbacks. Physical fitness and overall health are encouraged. Someone with experience will offer sage advice that will add stability to your life.


You’ve got more time than you think so take a step back and rethink your options before you act. Refuse to let emotional weariness drag you down or cause you to make poor decisions. Reach out to someone who makes you smile, and you’ll discover a way you can expand your options without going into debt. A physical challenge will fuel your passion. Don’t offer inside information. Play your cards close to your chest, and you’ll avoid ending up in a vulnerable position. Self-improvement will minimize stress. Do your best to fulfill a promise.


Keep your feelings to yourself. Be a good listener, and you will gain the upper hand when dealing with friends. Consider your objective and you’ll recognize advantages and benefits as well as something that can sabotage your efforts. There will be a fine line between right and wrong, and it’s up to you to protect your reputation. A chance to take a unique stance regarding your concern is apparent. Know what and who you are up against, and use unorthodox means to get your way. You can make a difference if you stay calm, keep the peace and handle others thoughtfully.


Be careful who you trust. An emotional incident will disappoint you, causing irrational behaviour. Don’t act in haste or anger. Bide your time and use your intelligence to win your battles. Doors will open. Negotiate, and you will get what you want and more. Celebrate your victory with someone you love. Too much of anything will lead to disaster. Size down, spend less and refuse to let your emotions spin out of control. Protect your reputation; don’t do anything that you’ll regret. Added discipline will help you reach a deadline and give you the boost needed to outmaneuver any challenge you encounter.


Your reputation may suffer if you are too open about the way you feel or who or what you like or dislike. Focus on helping others and being an excellent listener to avoid controversy. Take care of money matters. Put the cash from an investment that pays off somewhere safe to ensure you don’t squander the proceeds. You’ll get the chance to do something extraordinary if you connect with someone who is as adventuresome as you. Participate in something that stimulates you mentally and emotionally. Put a good plan in place.