
A chance to bring in extra cash looks promising. Time invested will pay off. An idea you have will help you get things done in a shorter amount of time. Discuss ideas and plans with someone you love and trust to look out for you and it will help you make an important decision that will improve your life. Using charm will pay off; pressure will not. A little romance will lead to better living arrangements. Doubt will set in if you haven’t figured out how to handle shared expenses. Don’t procrastinate; address such issues swiftly.


The Fanshawe College Student Services and Here For You logos are shown. A young woman is shown sitting at a desk. Text states: Supoort comes in many forms. Experience flexible services that support you where you are.

Set goals and take care of responsibilities to ensure you reach your target. Physical action will pay off and help you gain the respect of those you work alongside. Take the time to gather facts before you act. A sensitive issue will spin out of control if you aren’t careful how you respond. Don’t mince words when trying to get your point across. A direct approach to achieving what you set out to do will have good results. Don’t let change throw you off guard. Emotions will be difficult to control. Listen to instructions, pay attention to detail and finish what you start.


Trust your instincts, not what someone persuasive tries to instill in you. Research and fact-find until you are sure the information you gather is reliable and gives you the peace of mind required to make a wise decision. You have more going for you than you realize. Speak with confidence, and you will summon the support needed to get what you want. Adjust your skills to suit the job market. Be a good listener and the information you receive will help you dodge a situation that can affect your reputation.


Home improvements should stick to a budget and you oversee all the details yourself. Set up a space designated to being productive. Refuse to let an outsider tell you what to do; it’s up to you to make your request concise and to get what you want. Listen to complaints and criticism, and respond with care. Being mindful of others will keep anger down and morale up. A kind word will make a difference to the response you get. Downtime, relaxing with someone you love or pampering yourself will lift your spirits. Romance is encouraged.


A couple of changes to how you earn your living will make a world of difference to your attitude. An optimistic approach to life, love and work will encourage others to help you get ahead. Share your thoughts, and welcome suggestions. Let your feelings be known to a friend. You will get valuable information that will help you make a difficult decision. Having a clear picture of a situation will deter you or someone else from overreacting. A change may not be welcome but it will be necessary. Do whatever’s needed to save money, your reputation and bring you peace of mind.


If change is what you want implement it and pursue your dreams. Don’t wait for someone to make the first move. It’s up to you to make the adjustments that will soothe your soul and get you closer to your goal. Take the initiative when it comes to professional and financial goals. Step out of your comfort zone, if necessary, to get what you want. Refuse to let anyone interfere with your plans. Expect to face opposition when dealing with a relative. Don’t make a big deal out of something you cannot change. Do your own thing, and give others the freedom to as well.


Pay attention to what’s going on at home. You’ll offset a problem with someone who lives with or near you. Being aware of what others are going through will allow you to make a difference in the outcome of a situation that will affect you. Put everything you’ve got into positive changes at home that will make your place more inviting and peaceful. Your state of mind will improve and encourage you to spend more time with someone you love. Tone down your spending habits. Question where your money is going and allocate funds better to suit your current budget.


An opportunity is apparent regarding a position or a change to your status. Do your due diligence to prepare for whatever comes your way. A healthy mindset and updating any paperwork that needs a tweak will help and build confidence as well. Touch base with people who are forward-thinking, and offer insight into topics of interest. You’ll get wind of something that sparks your imagination and sends you in a positive direction. An open mind will lead to a change in lifestyle. Channel your energy into love, romance and stabilizing your personal life.


Be careful how you handle situations involving a friend or relative. Stick to the facts, and question anyone who exaggerates. Channel your energy into living up to your promises, and you’ll make a good impression on someone who can help you get ahead. Take the initiative and a position that excites you will come your way. Put together a plan, and update your resume. Don’t hold back; if you want something, do your part to ensure you leave nothing to chance. Believe in yourself, but don’t promise something you cannot deliver.


Spend time on what matters. The improvements you make at home will positively affect your state of mind and the amount of time you spend there. Pleasing someone you love will bring you closer and encourage you to share more of your interests and time. An emotional matter will surface if you force your will on someone or refuse to compromise. Anger will not solve anything; it will make matters worse. Balance, integrity and keeping the peace will work in your favour. Think matters through carefully and consider what you can offer to ensure you get what you want.


Look over expenditures and shared expenses to ease your mind and confirm that everything is taken care of on time to avoid penalties. Staying on top of finances will give insight into what you can put aside for personal pampering, entertainment or something you want to purchase. Opportunity knocks. Don’t skip a beat. Get involved in a project that excites you, and it will energize you. Do something creative or spend time with friends or family. It will bring out the best in you. Avoid excess, indulgent behaviour or overreaction.


Your intuition will be spot. Don’t second- guess yourself when it comes to relationships or something creative you want to pursue. Trust your instincts, and follow through with your plans. Romance will enhance your life and bring you closer to someone you love. Pay close attention to what others are doing or saying. Being well-informed will encourage better decisions when right or wrongdoing is an issue. Question someone’s motives if they make an offer that sounds too good to be true. An unexpected gift is heading your way.