Letter from the BSA President

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The Black Students’ Association at Western University presents our edition of Black History Month which is themed “New Era. ” The Black Students’ Association is a sociopolitical club at Western University dedicated to improving the experience of Black students at a predominantly white institution.

Traditionally, when we discuss BHM and its relevance, we tend to only discuss injustices from the past such as slavery and segregation. Only referring to these instances perpetuates the idea that these issues are not relevant to today. This past year, the world began to see parallels to a time not long ago. The fight that started with our grandparents and parents continues to be the fight we champion today.

Racialized people face alienation, objectification, discrimination, systemic and social racism as a long term effect of slavery. Despite this, we continue to speak our truth — even if that means our voices may shake. We need all people, regardless of race, to help enact an actual change.

The Fanshawe College Student Services and Here For You logos are shown. A young woman is shown sitting at a desk. Text states: Supoort comes in many forms. Experience flexible services that support you where you are. myfanshawe.ca/hereforyou

This month, please take the time to recognize the enormous contributions of countless Black individuals who sacrificed their lives in the fight for freedom and justice.

We use Black History Month as a time to remember, celebrate, learn and grieve the injustices our grandparents and parents endured and what we have to experience today.

This marks a new era, a time not to forget, a people never changed.

Angie Antonio

President of BSA, 2020/21