Zodiac Stargazer Horoscope


Take in what everyone else does and says this week, but don’t share personal information or your opinions for the time being. Spend more time figuring out what you want to do and how best to go about it before you present your plans. Use your charm to get your way. If you let your emotions take over, someone will criticize you for your vulnerability and lack of professionalism.


The Fanshawe College Student Services and Here For You logos are shown. A young woman is shown sitting at a desk. Text states: Supoort comes in many forms. Experience flexible services that support you where you are. myfanshawe.ca/hereforyou

Head into the future with ideas, optimism and desire to fulfill your dreams. Use your voice to gain support and your actions to bring about change. Learn from the past, and pay attention to detail. Know your limitations and your strengths. Physical risks, indulgent behaviour and lack of discipline will lead to exhaustion and weakness. You can make adjustments if you are open and honest about your intentions, feelings and what you want to pursue.


Keep a close watch on people who are asking for too much. Question any information that doesn’t sound right. Don’t engage in gossip, schemes or anything that might hurt your reputation. What you put out is what you’ll get back. Be kind, do good, and you’ll receive good. Spend more time taking care of your physical needs. If you are tired, rest. Give yourself a chance to regain strength before you embrace another challenge.


Reach out and touch someone with kindness and you will start a chain reaction. What you are willing to do for others will set a standard amongst your peers. Be a positive role model, and your world will become a better place. Emotions will flare up if you try to make changes that someone doesn’t want. Take the time to get input from others and to make adjustments to your plans to avoid interference.


Protect against injury. Don’t take unnecessary risks or put yourself in a compromising position. Your reputation and success will depend on your ability to get along. Listen, evaluate and make reasonable changes that are beneficial to everyone affected by the choices you make. Use your charm to get your way. Doing your part to ensure everyone is happy will make your life more comfortable moving forward.


Don’t hesitate; a change will be useful for you. Whether it’s geographical, personal or educational, the result will help move you in a direction that will improve your lifestyle. Mingle, engage in exciting conversations and be open to new beginnings. Don’t pay for someone’s mistake, and use common sense, regardless of what other people decide to do, and you will come out on top. Enjoy the moment; live, love and laugh.


Stay focused on what’s essential until you take care of your responsibilities and finish what you start. How you react to others will make a difference in the amount you get done. Go forward with peace, be positive and do your best. An emotional situation will come to a head. Be honest about the way you feel, and refuse to let anyone put demands on you or your time. Be true to yourself, and move on.


Take everything in and be proud of what you’ve accomplished. Get back to what’s important to you, and you’ll flourish. Traveling, learning and sharing your thoughts with like-minded people will be uplifting. Personal growth should be your priority. Be careful when involved in physical activity or travel. Protecting against exhaustion or injury will help you avoid a setback.


Fix up your place and enjoy your surroundings. Host an event, share with someone you love or make plans that will help eliminate any negativity in your life. Let the past go, and move forward with optimism, courage and a plan to do what’s best for you. You’ll feel good if you spend more time on personal improvements, health and diet. A romantic gesture will encourage you to spend more time with someone who brings out the best in you.


Take a different approach to the way you handle your money. It’s time to update the way you do things and to take advantage of technology that can improve your life. Don’t let love and emotions interfere in your financial affairs. Protect your assets. Don’t feel you have to give a handout to someone who doesn’t deserve it. Offer suggestions, but don’t let anyone take advantage of you. A change at home will improve your life.


Don’t let anyone confuse you. Be direct, ask for proof, select what you want in writing and leave nothing to chance. It’s your responsibility to look out for your interests, so don’t count on anyone to do that for you. Focus on personal improvement and financial gain. Take care of matters personally. Don’t let someone from your past pressure you into something you don’t want to do. Take the initiative to live your life your way.


Enjoy participating in organized events. Be open to learning and applying what you discover to the changes you want to make in your life. A unique opportunity will result due to your innovative way of dealing with whatever comes your way. Refuse to be a chameleon. You don’t have to do what others want if it doesn’t fit into your plans. Don’t feel confused or uncertain; listen to your heart, and do what feels right.