Local cultural clubs

London has a diverse population, however sometimes people miss being surrounded by things relating to their own personal heritage. One possible way to satisfy this longing is by meeting groups of people with a similar ethnic background where can talk and make friends. If you want to meet more people with a similar cultural background, try seeking out some of the cultural clubs that are here in London.
Plenty of international students apply to post-secondary institutions in Canada, but sometimes it can be a confusing and scary experience for these students. Cultural clubs on campus can help students meet others from the same community and help them integrate into their new setting.
Fanshawe College
Clubs are run by the Fanshawe Student Union (FSU), which sees the roster of clubs changing constantly from term to term. The clubs on this list are examples of culture-based clubs that have been operated in the past.
• Caribbean African Student Association
• Fanshawe Chinese Society
• Fanshawe Student’s Indian Club
• Fanshawe Vietnamese Student Association
• Filipino Student Association of Fanshawe
• Muslim Student Association
• Slovo Club
• South Korea Association of Fanshawe
• Nepali Club
Check out fsu.ca/clubs to find an updated list of current clubs and information for starting your own. You can also reach out to Chelsea Bancroft, the FSU’s advocacy and communications co-ordinator at c_bancroft68524@nullfanshawec.ca with any questions.
Meanwhile, there are several cultural clubs in London that appeal to the many backgrounds of the people that live in here. Here is a list of some of these clubs:
Curinga Italian Canadian Sport and Multicultural Club
Formed in 1978 by a group of Italian immigrants from the town of Curinga, Italy, the goal of the club is to allow fellow Italians to find fellowship, support and camaraderie. The group members meet on a weekly basis and participate in social and sporting activities together.
Website: curingacluboflondon.ca
Contact form: curingacluboflondon.ca/contact-uscontatti.html
German Canadian Club
This non-profit organization aims to preserve the rich cultural heritage of Germanic nations within the scope of Canadian multiculturalism. It strives to promote the cultural value of German customs and opportunities for good fellowship through events such as festivals, concerts, dances and sports.
Website: germancanadianclublondon.com
Marconi Club of London
Consisting of members who are of Italian origin or related to an associate member, the club is a meeting place for Italian Canadians to join together and develop Italian community. They have four event halls that are available to be rented for events such as weddings. You don’t need to be a member of the club to book the venues.
Website: londonmarconiclub.com
Contact: manager@nulllondonmarconiclub.com
Portuguese Club of London
A cultural group that assists Portuguese newcomers, this club hosts a number of cultural events to welcome them to the community. There are different groups in the club that you can participate in, such as soccer teams, a cultural band, and a folklore group. Their goal is to grow and unite the Portuguese community with one voice. The slogan of the club is “We are proud to be Portuguese-Canadians”.
Website: portugueseclub.ca
Contact: info@nullportuguesecluboflondon.com
Protea Club of London
A social club that has multicultural events and advocacy for former residents of South Africa and southern Africa living in and around London. The group keeps up to date on the latest news that’s happening in these areas.
Contact: info@nulllondonprotea.org
Slovenian Cultural and Social Club
Originally formed to help new immigrants socialize and assist each other in adapting to Canada. The club holds meetings and has gathering places for people of Slovenian community to meet and greet each other. They throw various events, such as picnics, dances and seasonal holiday events.
Website: londonslovenianclub.com
Contact: clubtriglav.ldnont@nullgmail.com