Sticking to your New Year's resolutions

Header image for Interrobang article CREDIT: EMILY STEWART
If you've made New Year's resolutions this year, try your best to stick to them.

We’ve all made New Year’s resolutions at some point of time in our lives. Some may have lost faith in the concept, or some may set resolutions religiously every year. Well, if you belong to the latter group, this one’s for you.

First off, good on you for wanting to start the New Year on the right foot. Whether you want to lose weight, exercise more or eat better, setting the intention to do so is the first step. So, go you! Now that you’ve put your mind to it, the next step would be to stick to it. We know how hard it can be to follow through, but we don’t want you to give up hope before you even begin. Here’s some advice to keep you healthier, happier and content in 2020.

Step 1: Be specific

The Fanshawe College Student Services and Here For You logos are shown. A young woman is shown sitting at a desk. Text states: Supoort comes in many forms. Experience flexible services that support you where you are.

Whatever your goal may be, be specific about what you want to achieve. Do you want to lose a certain number of pounds? Body-fat percentage? Run five miles? Or save $xxx dollars each month? Be specific of what you want, when you want it and go get it because YOU CAN!

Step 2: Take baby steps

Do not be hard on yourself and try to achieve the unthinkable. Unhealthy behaviors develop over the course of time. And, replacing unhealthy behaviors with healthy ones requires time and dedication. Don’t get overwhelmed and think that you must reassess everything in your life. Instead, take baby steps and work toward changing one thing at a time.

Step 3: Make note of your progress

If you’ve made progress and we know you will, WRITE IT DOWN! Your written progress will be a source of motivation for you to reflect on where you started, where you are and where you need to be. Write it down on your phone or stick a post-it on your wall — just do it.

Step 4: Be proud and show off

You’ve worked hard to come this far. And in a world where we can’t live without documenting everything on social media, here’s something else you can put up! If you got it flaunt it, right?

Step 5: Treat yourself

It’s OK to indulge every now and then; even Beyoncé loves herself a good treat. But remember to not turn a cheat meal into a cheat day. If you’ve made progress and reached your goal for the month or week, give yourself a bonus in the form of a guilty pleasure.

Step 6: Get back up

If, even with your friends and family on board, you’re still finding it challenging to stay on track and fall off the wagon — it’s not the end. If you put your mind to it once, we’re sure you can do it once again. Believe in yourself and everything will change for the better.