Zodiac Stargazer Horoscope


Blowing off steam and keeping busy will help you avoid trouble this week. Keep moving and don’t stop until you are satisfied with what you’ve accomplished. Ask for help and you will get the answers you need to make a decision or move regarding your future. Listen carefully to instructions to help avoid making a mistake or being criticized by someone who likes things done in a specific way. Pay close attention to detail and you’ll be given an opportunity to advance.


Not everyone will be happy with the choices you make. But you’ll come to a conclusion that will help you make an important decision. Look at all angles and make your move. Expect opposition, but don’t back down. Be prepared to offer answers to get others to see and do things your way. Before you decide to pitch in and help, make sure it’s reasonable and fits into your busy schedule. Focus on your projects, not someone else’s. Keep your thoughts to yourself late this week.


Don’t waste your time on piein- the-sky ideas. Be discriminant when it comes to the decisions you make. Greater opportunities are within reach. Set up meetings, look over your options and do what’s best for you, not what someone else wants you to do. Go directly to the source if someone wants you to pitch in and help. Know what’s expected of you before you say yes. Emotional blackmail is apparent. Give yourself a critical going-over and make adjustments that will lead to a healthier lifestyle.


Try doing something different this week. A new hobby or exercising your right to make your life better. If someone offers help find out what he or she wants in return before you accept. Aim to keep things fair. Show your feelings. It’s important to let people know where you stand on issues if you want them to consider your way of thinking. Listen to suggestions but be sure to follow your heart. Be careful how you react on the 14th. Not everyone will agree with you.


Say what’s on your mind and keep moving forward. You can achieve plenty if nothing is standing in your way. Personal change will turn out well. Think about what makes you happy and extend the same to the ones you love. If you want positive change, it’s up to you to make it happen. Don’t leave yourself in a vulnerable position due to poor influences. Set new goals and follow through until you are satisfied. Be and do your best; good things will come your way. Romance is in the cards this week.


Discipline will help you get into shape. Set up a routine that you feel you can stick to until you achieve your goal. A change can throw you off-guard if it upsets your productivity. Be willing to work with someone who is unpredictable, and it will make your life easier and prepare you for bigger challenges. Emotions will surface when dealing with matters that affect an important relationship. Walk away from indulgent behaviour. Don’t be too willing to pay for others.


Don’t get worked up over nothing on the 14th. Rationalize how best to deal with someone who is demanding without getting upset or involved in a dispute. An opportunity should not be ignored just because someone doesn’t want you to take part. You need a diversion that will bring you joy and ease your stress. Keep your life simple. Moderation will help you stay out of trouble. Someone is likely to break a promise. Have a backup plan in place. Don’t give in to someone who is being selfish.


You need a break this weekend. A couple of days away will spark your imagination. Emotions will be elevated on the 14th. Do your best to get along with everyone and avoid an awkward situation. Get back to basics. A unique experience will change the way you see life. Learn from what you see, and you’ll discover a lifestyle that will help you engage more in nature and less in materialism. A siblings remark will take you by surprise and give you something to think about.


Start putting more thought into what you want to do with the rest of your life and come up with a plan. An idea someone suggests will prompt you to research or study something that will add to your skills. Beware of someone using emotional tactics in order to get you to do something you should probably not consider. Put more time and effort into self-improvement. Choose a healthy routine and friends who encourage you to be and do your best.


Think about the best way to deal with people who are unpredictable. Those old emotions will be erratic along with anger and regret this week. Think before you respond. Personal change should be your goal. You can’t change others, but you can strive to be compassionate, understanding and loving. Make a point to do things differently. Changing things up a bit will show how versatile you can be, and that will prompt others to be open to doing things your way as well.


It will be easy to lose sight of what you are trying to accomplish if someone doesn’t give you all the information you require to make a good decision. Don’t hesitate to ask questions. An opportunity should not be put off because someone is making a fuss. It’s you who has to be happy with the outcome, not someone else. An emotional plea someone makes should not leave you feeling obligated to do something you don’t want to do. Look for alternatives rather than put yourself in a precarious position.


Offer help but don’t let anyone take advantage of you. Set the standard instead of letting someone else make the rules. Let your experience help you navigate a situation that is unhealthy. Share your feelings with someone you care about on the 14th. The time taken to explain what you want and what you are willing to give back will help you open the door to a better life and relationships. Take better care of your health and well-being. Moderation should be your goal.