Job Hunting Tools 101

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Sometimes it can feel like there are literally no jobs out there; however, the truth is that there are so many right underneath your nose, you just may not know where to look.

Whether you are looking for full-time or part-time, Fanshawe has many resources available for students to use to search for a job.

Career Services at Fanshawe offers many opportunities and services throughout the school year to help with resume building and job searching.

“We are here to support students in their job search,” said Larissa Campbell, a Career Services consultant at Fanshawe.

A major component is the job posting website that can be accessed through your FOL account. The website is regularly updated with new volunteer, full-time and parttime job postings.

Another option open to students is going in and meeting with Fanshawe’s career consultants to get feedback on your resume, receive some tips on how to make your resume more competitive, talk about different job search methods and also learn about the different workshops available.

“What we cover in most appointments is we figure out what it is that you’re looking for, so we ask you what type of jobs you’re looking for. We make sure you know how to use our job search site, and any other resources,” Campbell explained.

The main purpose of Career Services’ appointments is to help accompany you in the steps needed to take in order to reach your ideal career path compared to career counseling which takes place in Counselling and Accessibility. They help figure out the direction you want to take with your career path, whether it’s testing or if you don’t know what direction you want to take.

Another way to get a job is by being approved for the Fanshawe Work Study Bursary Program. To do this, students must first apply online through financial aid and if you are accepted, you are then eligible to apply to the work study positions at Fanshawe.

“[Fanshawe students] can view the work study positions on our job site and then they need to come quickly to our office to find out the contact information of the people to apply to for those positions,” Campbell explained.

An important thing to note about the work study program is that even after you are approved, you are not automatically guaranteed a job.

“[Fanshawe students] compete for [work study positions] just as they would for any other job and so the interview process happens from there,” Campbell said.

There are also other ways that you can look for jobs online. You may already aware of the Google search job websites such as; however, Campbell suggested to use the Fanshawe job site first because of employers specifically seeking Fanshawe students and graduates. Also, while good opportunities can be found on those websites, it is necessary to be careful that you read through the information carefully and make sure that the employers are legitimate.

“Knighthunter is another good one for the local area because it’s based in London and the surrounding area and then another one that I like is the job bank which is run by the government of Canada that has lots of information on it,” Campbell said.

Another opportunity set up by Fanshawe that occurs in February is the job fair. It is a great way to network with employers from a variety of different fields. Make sure to dress professionally, bring your resume along and be ready for possible on-the-spot interviews.