Bush's border visit stirs up nest of discontent

United States president George “Dubya” Bush was in Texas to announce tighter border controls in attempt to stop the flow of illegal immigrants, and potential terrorists.

Bush was proposing a 700 mile 70 foot tall fence that would run from California, through Texas and into Louisiana. Bush later hedged on extending the fence into Louisiana suggesting “if anyone actually wants to live in the hurricane ravaged state they'd be welcome to the shacks that dot the countryside there.”

The Mexican president speaking in California said “a fence on the border is not the answer. However a bridge with four lanes and a car pool lane for vehicles with 40 people would help solve the problem of illegal immigrants sneaking over the border.”

Bush however has been pushing the notion of Mexican terrorist cells, claiming that the L.W.O. (Latino World Order) were planning an attack on the United States.

“We've seen L.W.O. advance their cause through the Taco Bell chain, corn flour, tortilla chips and Tequila. Anymore of this would be an assault on America's digestive system.”

Not to be deterred the president of Mexico says that he wants to work with the United States to let people in Mexico work jobs that they want to in the United States as opposed to creating new jobs in Mexico.

The president of Mexico also pointed out that Bush himself employs Mexican's illegally in the U.S. at his Crawford Ranch and pays them under the table.

A search of IRS records indicates that Bush had no employees at his ranch while it is obvious theree is a hub op
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Disclaimer: Stories printed in the Fanshawe Distorter are in fact fictious. Any resemblance to persons real or dead is intentional and entirely hilarious. Prouldy distorting the truth since 2005