What not to wear: keep Halloween fun and respectable

Header image for Interrobang article CREDIT: AMOKLV / ISTOCK / THINKSTOCK
Taking a creative spin on a classic costume is one way to make sure your costume looks different without being offensive or rude.

Every Halloween there are always a few people who make questionable decisions when it comes to their choice of costume.

For many, the choice is between a sexy costume or a funny costume. Others will try and push the boundaries of an appropriate costume by dressing as a controversial figure from recent news or as a religious figure. Here are a few things to keep in mind when putting together your costume this year.

Religious or cultural figures

Don’t dress as a religious figure in which you are not completely informed about.

When it comes to religious or cultural costumes stick to a costume you are fully aware of and be careful not to dress in an offensive way.

Choose a character that you appreciate and be respectful of that costume. For example, dressing as Noah with all his animals and a makeshift ark is acceptable, but dressing like a pregnant nun is not.

A costume that takes a religion or culture and blatantly disrespects it is wrong and many people will be deeply offended.

There is no need to make a mockery of something that other people may deeply value.

Other religious and cultural attires to stay away from are hijabs, burqas, turbans, anything to do with Hitler, sexy Mary or Jesus costumes or inappropriate priest costumes, etc.

Halloween is a time to dress up and have fun, but you should never cross the line and wear a costume that is disrespectful to what people believe in or who they are.

Public issues

Don’t undermine serious public issues.

Dressing as a popular celebrity or person from this year is always a good choice. However, when deciding something like this you need to keep in mind if it is going to be offensive.

Some political issues are better left out of Halloween. For example, a costume that made an appearance in 2010 was dressing as a coal miner, from the Chilean mine collapse, where many workers were killed or injured.

These are the kinds devastating news stories to stay away from when choosing your costume. Instead choose something from a popular television show or a popstar that has made a big impact on this year’s music charts.

As for this year, a few news stories people should avoiding incorporating into their Halloween costume are Caitlin Jenner, the boy named Ahmed who made the clock but was accused of making a bomb, or the American dentist who killed Cecil the Lion.

Creative over sexy

Don’t make everything sexy.

These days it seems that every costume has to be a sexy costume, like a sexy nurse, a sexy doctor or even a sexy homeless person. Why not instead get creative and clever with your costume?

Try to come up with something that you haven’t seen done before in a costume. Another way to get creative is to think back to things that were popular from your childhood or even further back in time.

Rather than going for a sexy costume, try a nostalgic costume that will bring back good memories for everyone.

So when you are deciding what to be for Halloween this year try to remember these few tips.

Don’t dress as something you understand will offend people, such as a costume that blatantly disrespects a religion or culture. Don’t dress as something that could offend someone or as someone who has been involved in a controversial issue.

Try and be original and creative. This is a day that you can literally wear anything you want so think outside the box and keep it classy.