What are you looking forward to most after exams?

What are you looking forward to most after exams?


B @baileylowry

@fanshawesu #fsuinterrobang sunshine!

Trina @T_O93

@fanshawesu #fsuinterrobang finally relaxing!

Tanya Rand @tanya_rand

@fanshawesu #fsuinterrobang Chicago :)

Patricia Varanesi @PatVaranesi

@fanshawesu I can’t wait for home cooked meals and making money again #fsuinterrobang


Austin Beuerman Graduating and getting that dream job... And summer of course.

Matt Graves Moving back home to be with my friends and family after being in London for school for almost four years!

Jade Arantes Looking forward starting my Co-op

Krystal Marie DaCosta I plan on learning a new language this summer and just have summer adventures with my girls!

Kaitlynne Jones Sleeping in! And partying till the break of dawn, when I’m not working +

Stefanie Smith Going to Australia for the summer!!

Nick Davis Road trip across the US to many major theme parks with my bud!


karlacsmith No assignments = no stress!!!!

lindsayensing Cottage and fishing

mranarchy87 Long drives down a back road in the summer sun

ryanblaker81 Watching nhl playoffs

Thanks for a great school year! Have an amazing summer Fanshawe!