What happens to your body during pregnancy?

Ever wondered about the changes that happen to a woman’s body during and after pregnancy? You may be surprised. Apart from the pleasure side of sex, there is the natural course of reproduction. Women’s bodies are built to develop and carry babies to term. As a result of another being growing inside them, their bodies undergo massive changes to accommodate a baby. These are some of the changes that occur inside a woman’s body during pregnancy.


  • Headaches
  • Mood swings
  • Hair starts to grow faster and thicker
  • Forgetfulness
  • Insomnia
  • Acne

  • Vision changes
  • Contacts may become irritating to wear

  • Increased congestion of sinuses
  • Heightened sense of smell
  • Snoring due to congestion
  • Worsened allergies
Mouth and Throat:

  • Gum inflammation
  • Heartburn and indigestion

  • Breasts become very sensitive
  • May grow up to another cup size
  • Areolas begin to darken due to hyperpigmentation caused by hormones

  • Back aches due to a growing belly
  • Tingling or numbness

  • Flatulence due to bloating
  • Hemorrhoids due to blood reduced blood flow

  • Stretch marks as skin stretches to make room for a growing baby
  • Fetal movements such as the baby kicking
  • Belly button – “innies” may become “outies”
  • Cravings and aversions to food
  • Constipation
  • Pelvic ligaments will loosen, causing some women to “waddle” instead of walk
  • Linea nigra, a darkened line down the middle of the tummy
  • Weight gain varies woman to woman

  • Increase in sex drive during second trimester
  • Contractions later in third trimester
  • Cervical dilation as the body prepares to get ready for childbirth

  • Varicose veins will appear on your legs due to the effort of your arties to circulate blood
  • Sciatic nerve or sciatica condition – the baby’s position in the body may push on the nerve causing numbness and shooting pains up the body
  • Restless Legs Syndrome – twitching or spasms in the legs
  • Ankles and feet will start to swell
Your Post-Pregnancy Body

Bladder: Bring on the Depends. An uncontrollable bladder is one of those wonderful post-baby “gifts.” According to the What to Expect When You’re Expecting website, it’s thought that during pregnancy the baby’s head hits the nerves in your bladder, which is what causes them to numb temporarily. On average this may last for a few weeks; if you notice it going on longer, the website advises you to consult your doctor. 

Breasts: Breasts deflate after pregnancy as long as you don’t breastfeed.

Hair: The luscious hair you once had during pregnancy falls out.

Period: Prepare for the worst present Mother Nature will bestow on you post-pregnancy. The first period after delivering a baby has been described as “horrific.” Some women will find that their periods are very heavy and potentially clothes ruining.

“My hips never went back to being the same as before my pregnancy.” – Lisa

“You can lose the weight, but your hips spread to prepare for labour and they don’t go back after.” – Theresa